Visit in Velaris

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Rhys: "Hear it AND feel it, it was practically beating out of your chest." I tease, looking down at our home, at the rainbow where you'd found so much healing and in return had helped to heal our people too.

"I know I'm not supposed to complement you today, but the people love you, Fey...more than you realize." I smiled, holding you closer as the air chilled a bit. "You're the High Lady I always hoped I could give them."

Feyre: "It was the first time I had been in the sky, Rhys. Not to mention I had no idea what you'd do!" I poke your chest, the swirls of your tattoo showing as the wind pushes your shirt open. "The first time you carried me like this... I was still wearing that wedding dress." I realise. Turning my focus back to you, I'm about to stop you. Opening my mouth only to close it again.

"Thank you, Rhys." I say quietly, because hearing you say that means more than anything else you could say. "Thank you for saying that and for letting me make a difference. I want to be the High Lady that you and this court deserve." I didn't know if the town actually loved me like you said, but I knew I had come to love them.

Rhys: "Ugh don't remind me...that dress." I made a face, teasing you a little.

"Thank you for staying." I said, glancing down at you in my arms. "Even if you hadn't stayed as High Lady, just you being here would have been enough. For our people...and for me." I said, knowing that even if you'd rejected me as your mate, if you'd decided to make your home in Velaris anyway, I would have been happier than I'd ever been before just having you near me.

Feyre:"What? Didn't you say I'd look beautiful no matter what I wear?" I tease you back, pinching your cheek when you make a face. "Or was that a lie?"

Feeling safer now, I loosen my hold around your neck and run my fingers in your hair near the back of your neck. "I had no idea where to go after Mor saved me. I wasn't sure why you'd opened your home to me. I didn't think I could stay even though you offered everything to me. I guess now it makes sense." I smile a little. "The thought of living here in town.. Without you or everyone else. I hate it. I don't even want to imagine that. I can't picture a life without you anymore."

Rhys:"You definitely pushed the limits with THAT lacey monstrosity." I chuckled, thinking back on that awful gown. "You were the only thing that saved it, even THAT couldn't overshadow your beauty."

"I can't picture life without you either, Feyre. Once, I could have accepted it, just knowing that you were out there somewhere happy, even happy with someone else...but now, I don't think I could survive it. Having you and losing you now, it would end me."

Feyre:"You think I wanted to wear that?! Cauldron boil me, it was hideous!" I laugh along with you, smiling that even in that you still managed to find me remotely pretty. A once sour memory had somehow turned into a funny one. "I do hope that dress was burned." Suddenly, I realise I'd never gotten to wear a wedding dress for you. It had never bothered me before. I never liked the idea of a big ceremony. Maybe it wasn't that I didn't want one. Maybe as a human, I never thought it was possible. With Tamlin, I didn't want him anymore. With my mate... With my mate, there was no time. I couldn't even think of a ceremony back then and time went by and we never thought about it again.

"Stroking your cheek, I carefully move to kiss you. "Then it's a good thing you won't have to go through that, my love. There is no where I'd rather be."

Rhys:"It was, Mor and Amren called it a crime against all humanity and quote "the most hideous fucking thing I have ever had the misfortune of seeing." I said, adding. "The shoe, I kept.

" I returned the kiss, happily, my heart warming at your words. "Y'know...we never had a proper ceremony, would you like to one day?"

Feyre:Picturing Mor and Amren making fun of that dress before I even knew them makes me laugh. What I'd give to be a part of those conversations.

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