To Many More Birthdays

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Coming home from Gwyn & Azriel's housewarming party/celebration for Rhys

Feyre: Coming back from the housewarming party, Rhysand and I winnow right into our bedroom. It had gotten rather late and after the day we'd had, I was looking forward to getting into bed together. Pulling out the flower crown my hair, I drop it onto the vanity and run my fingers through my hair to massage my head. "Wait. Let me get something first." I tell you and walk out of our room and towards my painting room inside the house where I had stored your last gift. Carrying the wrapped canvas, I bring it back to our room and hand it to you to unwrap.

Rhys: I slid my jacket off and tossed it on the chair before you returned with the wrapped canvas.

"Thank you, love." I said, smiling and kissing you tenderly as I took the gift from you. Carefully, I unwrapped the last gift and prepared myself. Your art always touched me and I didn't expect that this piece would be any exception.

Feyre:You were so easy to impress when it came to my paintings, but I worried every time I gave you one. "Thank me only if you like it." I tease, watching you unwrap the gift.

Truthfully, I had been planning for this gift for months. I'd started paintings after paintings, never finding the right thing to draw for you. Time began to slip and with every passing day, I panicked over what I would do.

It was a month ago when the idea finally hit me. You were speaking so tenderly about your mother and your sister and it made me realise, there were no paintings of them.

I'd asked Cassian and Azriel permission to look into their memories so I could have a better idea of what they looked like, though you had shown me long ago. On the canvas, I'd painted you with your mother and sister.

Rhys:I undid the wrapping to reveal the canvas and my breath hitched when I saw what you'd painted. Starfall had always been special to us, but my mother and sister especially. No matter what other worries existed, they always made sure that we were all together.

"Feyre..." I breathed, unable to stop the tears from filling my eyes as I lost myself in the image, in that memory. "this is...this is beautiful. I can't..." My voice broke and I shook my head, trying to find the right words to let you know just how incredible this was to me but there were none. The heaviness of the moment hadn't had time to settle over me before the lightness of the memory brought my attention back to you. I needed to show you. You had seen this moment from a distance, but I wanted you to see how truly special it was to me.

I set the canvas down carefully before reaching my hand out to you. "Would you allow me to show you what you captured here for me?" I asked, my voice thick with emotion. You put your hand in mine and I showed you my mother and sister, as real as if they were still here.

The three of us preparing to watch the brilliant display across the Night sky, my mother telling me that one day I would be watching with a family of my own, a love of my own. I laughed and brushed off the thought while my sister went on about what great friends she would be with the woman I would one day love.

"I'll make sure she isn't TOO impressed with you, its no good for your ego." My sister teased, grinning. My heart ached at the meetings that would never happen, the love and friendships that would never be, but in that moment, in a way you were there and just the thought of you had us all happy and smiling. I couldn't stop the emotion that flowed through the bond now, the sadness, hopefulness and love that flowed as we moved through the memory. I needed you to know the happiness that you'd brought back to me when for so long I'd struggled to remember them without feeling anything but agony.

Feyre:Watching your eyes fill with tears breaks my heart, but I know it's not only sadness that you're feeling as you make sure your feelings of gratitude make it down the bond. "Either you really hate it or you really like it." I tease, hoping to relieve some tension off you, bringing my hand to cup your cheek as I brush off a tear with my thumb.

"Of course you can." After gently placing the canvas down, I take the hand you hand extended to me. I lift it to my lips with a squeeze and kiss it.

I'd only seen the view from Cassian and Azriel's perspective and this was only when starfall had begun. Getting to see you in such an intimate moment with your mother and sister gave me a peak as to what it could have been like if I had met them.

I watch your sister, pinpointing on her similarities to you. The dark hair, the eyes and bone structure. A copy of one another. She seemed delicate, but deadly. Your mother seemed proud, just like you, and she was more stunning than the night sky. I could only hope that my painting gave them justice.

Laughing to your sisters remark, I squeeze your hand once more. "She wasn't wrong about that. I can't stroke your ego any more or your head might explode."

"I hope that one day you'll be able to tell me more about them." There were times where you'd fall quiet when the family got together and I knew your mind drifted off to them. You always looked absent when it happened. Your violet eyes losing their twinkle, you'd shoot down whatever drink you had in hand before stepping out for some air. A few instances, you'd opened up, but other times, I didn't push, sensing it was difficult for you to speak of. "Whenever you want and whenever you feel like it, I'd love to learn more about them. About you. Your childhood. All of it, Rhys."

We'd been together for two years and though sometimes it felt like we had for far longer, I knew there was still 500 worth of years I knew nothing of.

Rhys:I pressed a kiss to the top of your hand, not wanting to let you go even after the memory had faded away and I tucked it away into the back of my mind.

"I think that maybe-if you want, I'd like to share more memories with you. When I'm with you, it's easier to see them again." I confessed. The pain was still so intense even after all these years, but I wanted you to see them, to know them as much as you could-even if sadly they would never be able to know you.

Feyre:"Then I'll be right here whenever you want to." I smile, keeping hold of your hand for now. "No matter where they're looking from, they'd be proud of you, Rhys. They'd be so proud of not only the male you've become, but also the High Lord you are for this court. I hope you know that." I say softly, pulling you in for a hug. Rubbing your back, I use some part of the gift I'd received from the Dawn court. I wasn't sure if using healing abilities would help, but I feel your tenseness slowly begin to vanish. "Now you just need to find a place to hang the painting."

Rhys:"I like to think they would be, thank you, Feyre." I looked down at you, my feelings threatening to overwhelm me again. "They would adore you, of that I have no doubt."

I held you close to my chest, our bond glowing brightly and warming me, comforting me. I knew it was you, and though you could't heal all of the pain of losing my family, just your presence always soothed me.

Gently, I tucked your hair behind your pointed ear and leaned in to press a tender kiss to your head. "Where do you think it should go? in the foyer with the rest of the family?"

Feyre:"I'd say that's a perfect spot. So they can always be with us." I say, taking your hand, leaning it against my cheek before pecking it lightly. "We can hang it tomorrow." Taking the painting off the bed, I go place it in the corner of our room by the door. "Now, did you have a good birthday?"

Rhys:"It was the most perfect birthday I ever could have imagined, if for no other reason than I got to spend it with you." I say, taking your face in my hands and kissing you softly. This had been the perfect end to a perfect day and I would find a way to make your birthday as special as you'd made mine.

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