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Eli started out in the boy's room by the bookcase.


Pumpkins await.

Adorable red and green antlers courtesy of his cousin Jim.

Then it was on to the lion's den.

He was supposed to sleep in the little closet we made, but first he had to make it with his new basketball hoop and the basket we filled with his race cars.

He did a great job.

Bless his heart, he's just too old for the tent.

With all the interest in tent building, I think we need to retire the tent this year.

Shhh, don't tell him.

Saturday night we saw the Chipmunks movie.

Again, Eli was quite brave.

And once again, I find I'm hopelessly addicted to Tim Burton.

My star: Alvin.

His lips!!!

I don't know if you've ever seen them, but when he makes a vowel sound, it's a mouth full of kissable, luscious lips.

You are probably all looking at yourselves right now going, "Eww.Ouch."
But me... me...

I've said those words so many times that when I see them in real life, it's almost a sexual experience.


I'm sure that was completely accidental, but I still want to know what's up with those lips.You know you want to see them for yourself.

Poor kid.

He will never be able to hide his lips from me now.

The perils of growing up and wearing glasses.

I didn't used to care, but now that I have to see everything he does, I am fascinated by his secret.It could be worse.

I could be his mother - in - law.

This post brought to you by a very, very small distraction that just distracted me.
The cold medicine has worked a little too well.

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Well, I had intended to make it to every one of my own birthday celebrations, but I was sick last weekend and then I had some work - related activities that were either planned or completely unavoidable on my actual birthday.

Instead of being disappointed, though, I decided it was best to just enjoy whatever might happen.

I felt kind of lousy all day, but it ended up being a pretty good day overall.

The morning started out with a McDonald's breakfast followed by a walk in the park.

My mother was hosting the family lunch at her house that afternoon.

It was kind of crazy with six adults and 10 children running around the house, but it was great.

We had burgers, hot dogs, and broccoli.

Eli and Maddie gobbled it all up.

There was no crying, no need for intervention, and no one whined.

It was an all - around great day.

I had to have someone come take our picture.

I mean, I haven't had a birthday shot in forever.

Maddie is seven months old and looks exactly like her daddy.

In the past, they wouldn't let the birthday girl take the birthday shot, but this year, they let me take the birthday shot.

This is the man who would have been turning 30 today.

These two.

From left: Me, my nephew, my mom, my niece, my dad, my niece, my aunt.

This kid is one of the funniest people I know.

My niece, Becca.

The birthday girl, Becca.

Eli had a "Happy Birthday" dessert.

If you're wondering why there are cookies in the ice cream dish, you haven't met my brother, Bret.

He's a champion cookie baker.

Maddie was in charge of the birthday cake.

We sang and she blew out the candles.

These were Eli's cake toppers.

Aren't they adorable?

What do you think?

Do you like the beard and mustache?

Of course, if you had asked me this question before I had children, the beard and mustache would not have been my first response, but if you've ever changed a diaper and tried to clean off poop, you'll understand my outrage.

I mean, do these people not know they have two living, breathing, totally - intact brains?

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Yeah, so I'll admit it.

I was trying to avoid that whole, "30 - something mom," label.

I don't know if it was because I know people who have kids a lot younger than me or if I just didn't want anyone to know that I have a child who is seven months old.

I also didn't want people to know that I still talk about Eli and Maddie as if they were real little kids.

Maybe I was trying to avoid becoming one of those mommy bloggers who just can't seem to leave their house, much less a hair salon.

It doesn't matter what the reason was, because this is my blog and I get to make the rules.

Maddie and I went to the salon yesterday.

I got some highlights.

And I've been doing something a little different with my hair.

On the one hand, I really like the look.

On the other hand, it looks totally ridiculous.

The kids in my neighborhood and at the park have been commenting on my hair today.

Every time I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I give myself a hard time.

They're right.

It looks ridiculous.

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