Day 1

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Day 1 I started off my year by eating my first ever salad at lunch at work.

All in all, I was pretty pleased with my first month of working out.

The first week of January was pretty brutal - we were in Oregon for Christmas.

It's the first time my husband and I have ever traveled during the holidays.

We had been away for a week in 2008, and it was awful.

There was crying and sullenness and a lot of hate in the air.

So we decided that we would stay in Oregon with our families for New Year's.

We bought a plane ticket back, and were back in Utah around 3 p. m. on January 4.

Since I was back in the real world I made a commitment to myself that I wouldn't use my time in Oregon as a springboard for a new year's resolution.

I had plenty of other things I needed to work on anyway.

A couple of days after we got back from Oregon I started re - reading My Life with the Saints, and then I tried to start up doing my own reading.

Not having my own copy made reading the book for the very first time a little more difficult.

I also didn't know what I was going to do with a whole week of free time that stretched out in front of me.

My in - laws live in Beaverton, Oregon so I had the whole week in their house. One of my sisters - in - law was coming for the week so there was a lot to do.

At the end of January I had a doctor's appointment.

I hadn't worked out in months, and I was pretty nervous about the appointment.

I was hoping the doctor would be sympathetic, and tell me that a week of bingeing wasn't going to turn me into a mountain of blubber.

I did my best to not be a miserable puddle of mess when I saw the doctor.

To be fair, this was the very first time I had seen my doctor, so I didn't really know what I was going to get, but I was hopeful.

It turns out my doctor is great.

Not only did he not tell me to just eat less, he also gave me some advice for getting started.

He recommended a weight - lifting program that I could start using from home.

I was pretty excited, and I immediately started on the program.

I was also pretty nervous about starting weight - lifting at home because I didn't have any weights.

Luckily, my in - laws had a pair of kettle bells that I was able to use for the first couple of weeks.

Kettle bells are hard - core.

My arm still aches from doing them for an hour on Saturday.

In February I was busy with a trip to Chicago.

I wasn't too worried about my weight because I was only going to be in the area for one day.

I had a long weekend without a lot to do so I figured I would go to the gym one or two days, but it wasn't a huge deal.

I also bought a lap top and decided I was going to start getting a lot more reading done on it.

And if I did get time to work out, great, but if I didn't, I wasn't going to sweat it.

In March I turned 25.

We had planned a big birthday party for me at my in-laws.

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