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They gave me all the instructions for how to start the ball and some random pieces of information about one of the many rules about this game and then sent me off to practice.

They only had 6 people playing which was a nice number to play with.

I haven't played 3D ever so I was nervous about not knowing what to do. Fortunately, though, the games went well and I learned the basic strategy.

The other 2 / 3 of the group got together on Friday night to have dinner and discuss the game we were going to be playing the next day.

They basically went over the rules one last time and to go over the parts of the game that we weren't going to touch for at least another week.

We finally got to bed by midnight. On Saturday I slept in until about 11: 30 and then I got ready and went to the grocery store.

I bought some ingredients to make a stew that I got from my roommate when she was trying to stock up before the move.

I had also been given some veggies by the kids I babysit so I bought some of those as well.

I cooked a big pot of the stew, put the sauce on top, and baked it for an hour.

I thought that it would take at least 2 hours to cook all the way through and then I could put the stew in a casserole dish and we could make it dinner.

Well, the kid and I came home and I put the dish in the oven. When it came out, it looked perfect.

We waited the 3 minutes it told us to wait and then I started to cut some carrots and it burned the skin.

There was some smoke and it didn't smell good, but I was hungry so I didn't really care.

We ate it anyway. Then we went out to play basketball.

I got beat by my roommate and her friends because the game they were playing was longer and they beat me by one point.

We played 2 games and I lost both of them.

Then we went to the girls' apartment to watch an episode of Charmed before going to bed.

On Sunday I got up and made brunch.

I put some bacon in the over on low heat and then I baked a bagel with cream cheese and some eggs.

The bacon was too done for the bagel and the bagel had turned black and was very hard, but it tasted good anyway.

We ate the brunch with some fruit and then my roommate had to leave.

I cleaned up the kitchen and then spent the rest of the day packing for my trip.

I have this habit of picking out only the absolute bare minimum for everything that I pack.

I always need more clothes and a lot of other stuff, but I can't really think of anything I need that I don't already have.

So I end up packing more or less for nothing.

Yesterday was the last day of classes for the semester and the last day to drop classes for the next semester.

We had midterm exams on Friday and today we went over how much we got on each of the exams.

The number was a little misleading because not everyone scored the same number.

It turned out that I got a 90% on my Hebrew midterm, 2 A's on all the math midterm grades, and a B + on my art history midterm.

The only class I didn't get an A or a B in was my calculus class.

That one still needs to improve a lot.

Today was also the last day to change majors.

I changed my major to theology, but I'm not planning on transferring out of this school at the end of the semester.

After class I got my transcripts and my schedule for the next semester.

I'm in the same major, English, but I'll be switching from calculus to pre - calculus.

The class that meets at the same time is AP US history, so I can either take that class or leave.

The only class that is different is history of religion, so that one isn't worth changing for.

My plans after this semester are to travel the world for about 6 months, do some volunteering, work at a summer camp, or both.

Then, if I have enough money left over I'll go to grad school.

I'll need to save up for it though.

My roommate took me out to dinner and we had a going away dinner party for the two of us.

We had cake and champagne with the students and faculty from the school.

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