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His phone rang breaking the silence he let go of me so he could pick up his call I glanced at him but he wasn't paying any attention to me. I should run away from here but what if he finds me "Rosa you can do this don't be afraid" I whispered to myself.

The door was slightly open making it easy for me to run for my life or perhaps get me killed. I glanced at him and he was way too busy talking on the phone so I took it as my chance to leave the room. I sighed in relief once I was out of the room and made my way to ball room I desperately searched for everyone but I couldn't spot anyone at all.

I dragged my shaky feet to the garden maybe they might be there. My body relaxed once I spotted my family and Ava as well I wiped my tears and took quick steps towards them but my steps came to a complete halt when I saw the red dot on Alyssa's hair.

"Take another step and I will kill them" he threatened in a cold tone "your family is surrounded by my men and they never miss their targets so think wisely."

"Please don't kill them I promise I won't tell anyone that I saw you I promise" my voice cracking as I pleaded with him.

He harshly grabbed my hand and led me to his car I glanced at my family with a heavy heart as he forcefully dragged me away from them.

I was awoken by someone's cries of pain and torture I glanced around the room but it was too dark to see anything. I felt like the walls were closing in on me a lump formed on my throat my eyes swelling up with tears I felt a sharp pain in my chest finding it hard to breath properly. I can't be having a panic attack right now think happy thoughts.

I closed my eyes all the happy moments right before me and took in a deep breath. The door swung open and whoever it was switched on the light causing me to open my eyes.

"Here's your food" she said in gruffy voice with a scowl on her face.

I watched her as she left I brought my legs to my chest and wrapped my hands around them. "this can't be happening I want to go home" my whole body shaking with fear as tears streamed down my face "I don't want to be in this nightmare anymore please wake up Rosaline wake up Rosa" my voice cracking "wake up."

What do I do? I need to find a way to get out of here I can't stay here forever I got up from my bed and opened the curtains I sighed in relief when I opened the window without any difficulties.

I safely landed on the ground but how do I leave this place its flooded with his men darn it how do I get out of here. My eyes landed on the car that was in the driveway I should get in there but what if Sebastian is going to be in there as well. I softly opened the door got in and closed it. I leaned against the chair and took in a deep breath now I should wait for whoever is driving this car to come the door opened and the driver got in. My heart was wildly beating against my chest millions of thoughts running through my mind.

The car came to a stop and he got out of the car I nervously opened the door and got out of the car. I'm finally away from that place I just hope nothing goes wrong nothing should go wrong cause I need to get home and I don't think anything can go wrong this place is so crowded.

"Hello can I please use your phone its urgent" I told the pretty blonde lady who's really pretty no doubt about that.

"I'm guessing you're new here but of course. I will definitely lend you my phone hope you don't take off running with my phone" she joked a genuine smile on her face.

"New here? no I'm not wait where am I?"

She looked at me like I was crazy "you are in Italy are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay can I please make a call its urgent." she gave me her phone and I sighed in relief when I held the phone in my hand I rubbed my temple trying to remember my dad's phone number "relax Rosaline just relax you are this close to getting home" I told myself.

"Hello" I heard my dad's voice on the other end.

"Dad.. Dad I need your help Dad he kidna..." why isn't he saying anything I put the phone back to my ear "Hello."

"I thought you were smart but you proved me wrong by taking such a dumb move" he said in a cold tone.

I felt like all the blood had been drained out of my body no no this can't happen I can't go back I just can't go back.

"Now if you are done exploring you should come back home Miss Amorretti don't you think?" he asked me in a cold menacing tone sending shivers all over my body.

"Are you okay?" she asked me snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah uhmm thank you for I should get going it was nice meeting you" I left the place heading to God knows where but all I know is that I need to find a way to talk to my dad.

What do I do? And where do I go oh this is frustrating should I go to the police station or try to find help from another person which is a really big risk what If that person is working for Sebastian and he takes me back to him and I can't let that happen. I'm thirtsy and hungry too Rosa this isn't the time to be thirtsy my stomach rumbled reminding me that I need to feed it I spotted a cafe nearby I should probably get myself something to eat and then maybe I will be think properly luckily I have some money in my pocket that I stole from Raphael while he was busy hugging me I was busy stealing his money.

I got into the cafe and everyone was looking at me I know I know I look weird I mean my hair is a mess and let's not even talk about my dress and the strange shoes I found in that room. The waiter came back with the food I had ordered and I immediately dug In as soon as he placed it on the table because I was really hungry. I leaned back in my chair as I sipped on my vanilla milkshake while trying to figure out what to do next a yawn escaped my lips which really surprised me I'm trying to escape from some crazy maniac and here I am yawning. My eyes suddenly felt heavy and I tried my best to keep them open which I miserablely failed at doing so.

I don't think a table is this soft and comfy wait a minute I shot up from the bed only to be met with those grey eyes. My eyes widened when I realised that I was back to square one incase this happens again please remind me to never feed myself even if I'm that hungry.

"I will try not to remind you" he said in a mocking tone "and next time don't you dare try to disobey me because the consequences won't be friendly."

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