People sitting outside the nursing home hastily got up and made way like they would, if the Prince of Rewa arrived.
But the the new arrival was no prince or princess.
It was a woman in her mid fifties. But one wouldn't be able to tell. There was not a single grey hair on her head. Nor wrinkles on her face. Her hair was tied in an effortless bun with jasmine flowers adorning them. Sparkling red sindoor ran across her hairline though nobody had ever known or heard of her husband. Nor of any family or children of hers.
The woman bent down and washed her hands in the single water tap attached outside the building. As she rubbed her hands against each other under the running water, she noticed the plaster peeling off all the walls. The condition of the nursing home was becoming pathetic. The ramshackle structure could collapse anyday.
This was the down region of Rewa. Here people ate the rice made in the morning till the next day afternoon. This was not like the other side of River Bischya where people lived in mansions with hundred chandeliers, marble staircases, half a dozen horses and two dozen servants. People here didn't walk around like glass dolls, wearing diamond jewelry, eating imported dry fruits and speaking sophisticated Bagheli. They just wore simple clothes, earned their daily wages and tossed colourful expletives at each other all day.
The colony had one nursing home where all sick people where treated, all old people died and all pregnant woman gave birth.
A young nurse came running out of the building and stood infront of the new entrant, panting.
"Omisha mother", she said "Vidya went into labour this evening. She's really in pain and there's no one to help".
"This evening?", Omisha stormed "Then why did you call me so late?"
The nurse looked down.
"Okay come on, now. There is no time to waste".
The nurse and Omisha hurried inside the room where a twenty-two year old woman fragile and delicate, lay screaming. A couple of female relatives stood next to her trying to comfort her.
"I need you to leave", Omisha commanded them.
The two women looked at each other hesitantly.
"Please", the nurse begged "This is mother Omisha. No delivery has gone wrong with her around."
The women left reluctantly.
"Does she know what she's doing? She doesn't seem to be a doctor", one of the woman said loudly enough to the other woman as the nurse ran to shut the door. The voice could be heard inside and the young nurse turned and looked at Omisha fearfully.
Omisha shook her head dismissively, "Let that woman get pregnant, I'll deliver that child too", she said.
The night faded away quickly and during the wee hours of the next morning, a baby girl's cry could be heard all around the building.
"I thought I was going to die, mother", Vidya mumbled weakly as Omisha handed her the child, "I swear I saw Yamaraj's chariot".
" just became a mother for heaven's sake Vidya. Stop talking nonsense", Omisha scolded.
"I haven't been chided like this by anyone except my mother and she died ten years back", Vidya replied "It's a good feeling to be scolded again. Thank you", she said, her eyes blurred with tears.
"Don't be so emotional girl. Smile a little. Where is your husband?", Omisha asked.
Vidya laughed, "The bastard will be waiting outside. Ask him to come in mother". Both the women smiled.
"What is your name mother?", Vidya asked after a pause.
Omisha looked at the new mother for a second, before saying, "Omisha".
Vidya's tired forehead creased, "And what does that mean?"
"It is what you call the spirit of birth and death", Omisha replied.
Vidya looked at her baby and brought her as close to herself as she could, "My Omisha", she smiled. The older Omisha smiled too.
Omisha approached Vidya's husband Mihir, as the sweet distribution and celebration started around them. Everybody looked happy.
"Mihir, everything is done. Both Vidya and the baby are fine. You can clean yourself and then go and see them", Omisha said as she washed her hands for the second time that day, "I'm leaving now".
Mihir fell at Omisha's feet.
"Are you mad? Get up!" Omisha laughed "I did what I do for every woman in this colony. They are all like my daughters after all".
"I thought they were lying when they said you could make any delivery possible. I thought I would lose my Vidya. But you are really divine. May God shower his blessings on you, mother", Mihir mumbled amidst tears.
"Yeah yeah, we'll see about that. Now stop simpering and get off my feet, asshole", she said as she grabbed Mihir by the back of his collar and pulled him up, "You just became a father. It's the baby who should be crying. Not you".
Mihir smiled weakly.
"That's better", Omisha said and patted his shoulder "Now go see your wife and daughter. And then leave for work...I forgot where you work by the way".
"Thakur mansion, mother", Mihir replied.
"Ah! Thakur mansion", Omisha nodded "Late Yashvant Thakur's house?"
"Yes mother", Mihir agreed proudly, "It is the most beautiful mansion in Rewa. It was the best place to work too..until..."
"Until the poor man died, of course", Omisha nodded understandingly "He was a gem of a man".
"No doubt, mother. He was the kind of master for whom you'd give your life", Mihir said his voice overwhelmed with emotion once again.
Omisha's face turned sceptical, "Give your life for him? Then why didn't you get in the way and swallow the poison that his bitch of a second wife was force feeding him?"
Mihir's face turned petrified.
"Mother what are you saying?", he exclaimed "A wife poisoning her own husband? Yashvant sahib succumbed to his sickness. Everyone knows that".
Omisha shook her head, "Son, you are too naive for this world".
"Nothing. Go and meet your daughter. She's waiting for you".
A/N : Jesus. I feel like I've been in a labour ward for hours now (lol). Please let me know what you think of the chapter ❤️ And loves, do stay tuned to know how Omisha transforms into the fairy godmother of this Cinderella story.

The Cinderella Of Rewa
Historical FictionA Desi remix of everyone's favourite fairytale.