"They threw me out through the gates of heaven saying that I had committed not a sin too less", Omisha went on.
"They told me that the only way I could attain salvation was to help as many people as I had harmed. That's why I came back to earth, assumed an older form and went around helping people as much as I could. You remember my very last master? The one that me and my sister killed? He ran a nursing home and had employed me in the labour ward. I had watched physicians come and carry out all sorts of complicated deliveries successfully. With that knowledge, I tried to execute a poor coolie girl's labour in the village when there was no one else to help her. I was successful."
"Then I decided this was what I was going to do. I went around Rewa helping young women through vicious and complicated labours. Not once, I failed. I brought as many humans into the world as I had killed. People were delighted with me. They treated me like a Goddess. I would get boxes and boxes of sweetmeats, gold coins and caskets of jewellery in return. None of which unfortunately were of any use to me. My beneficiaries, also almost always gave my name to the newborn child. That, I felt honoured for."
The bittersweet tenderness that Vedika had felt for this woman until a few moments back suddenly changed into confusion, "I don't understand", Vedika said "If your purpose is to help women in labour, why are you helping me? I am not pregnant".
Omisha gave a loud laugh, "Good one girl", she said "But we don't have any more time to chat. Get up now. Do you want to go that bethrotal function or not?"
Vedika got up, "What are you going to do?", she asked.
Omisha started walking around the garden observing everything.
"What are you going to do?", Vedika repeated, "I can't go to Mittal Mansion anyway Omisha. My stepmother took the carriage and the horses."
"Carriage and the horses...hmm...", Omisha looked thoughtful.
Suddenly there was a screeching noise from the grass and Omisha bent down. She came back up holding a rat by it's tail. The creature squeaked and wriggled and tried to escape, in vain. Omisha repeated the process and by the end of it, she had four rats struggling under her surprisingly steely grip.
She turned to look at Vedika, "Do you have pumpkins in the kitchen?", she asked.
"Uh..what? Yeah", Vedika said surprised at the absurd question, "We always store a few..because they don't get spoilt easily".
"Go get me the biggest, nicest one you can find", Omisha commanded.
"Uh..okay", Vedika replied and ran inside.
When she came out struggling to balance the huge pumpkin in both her hands, the rats in Omisha's hand were gone. In their place, stood four majestic horses, like celestial beings descended from heaven, waving their golden manes and neighing with passion.
"Keep the pumpkin on the ground", Omisha instructed. Vedika nodded meekly. A woman could transform garden rats into godly stallions was a woman she was willing to trust. Now Vedika was convinced Omisha would somehow get her to Mittal Mansion.
She placed the pumpkin on the ground and watched as Omisha wove her hands in the air like a magician, the pumpkin grew bigger and changed in shape and colour. Before she realised it, there was a golden carriage in place of the pumpkin, shaped like a hollow circle and studded with glittering stones.
"Who will ride this and who will accompany us?", Vedika asked, intrigued to see how Omisha could surprise her further.
Omisha looked at the ground again. This time lizards fell prey to her gaze. Four of those creepy crawlies were transformed into young men wearing the customary attendants' uniform of the Thakur Mansion.
Vedika's jaw was practically on the floor. She watched as one of them came up and harnessed the horses to the carriage, another went upto the carriage door and held it open. In her transfixed state, Vedika automatically started walking towards the open door.
"Girl, wait!", she heard Omisha cry "I'm not sending you in a golden carriage for you to arrive there wearing torn clothes".
"Then please fix that too", Vedika begged.
Omisha looked directly into Vedika's eyes. The power of her gaze felt like fire. Vedika shuddered. And then she felt like ice was wrapping around her. She felt like the humidity was being sucked out of the atmosphere. Her eyes closed on her own accord.
When she opened them and looked down at her attire, it was magical.
Silver sandals and gold jewellery adorned her feet and arms respectively. A forget-me-not blue silk outfit woven in with diamonds and embroided with a delicate bronze coloured border covered her body. A five stranded braid hung glossily down her back shimmering with gold pins. She could smell the essence of the marigolds that been woven into them.
Behind her two more men marched out with open chests of sandalwood. Were they lizards or rats or really men? Vedika's head went into a whirl. The chests they carried were embossed in copper and overflowing with silver and gold ingots, emarald rings, ruby necklaces and pearl bracelets.
Vedika's jaw dropped again.
"What are these?", she asked in barely more than a whisper.
"Expensive guests should go with expensive presents my dear. These will be the gifts for the Rajkumari of Bhopal from the Rajkumari of Rewa".
It took a moment for Vedika to realise what Omisha had meant. She blushed, "I am no princess", she muttered.
"Oh you are a princess and that's what you will think from now on", Omisha said, "Now...may I seek your permission to leave?"
Vedika was confused again.
"You wanted to know why I came here right?", Omisha asked "In the time that I came back to earth, I found out all that my sister had been doing. I was disgusted even with what she did with her first marriage. And when I found out how she killed your father as well, I couldn't take it anymore. I was determined to do something for you. I knew she tortured you without limits and I know I cannot do anything to free you from here but at least I hoped I could do something to mitigate your suffering before I left this world once and for all."
"Mitigate my suffering?", Vedika asked with a cracked voice "Mother, what you have done for me today will change everything. I assure you, I will not waste this opportunity."
"Don't", Omisha nodded in agreement "Go to Mittal Mansion, do what you have to. Get married to that boy soon. Your sufferings are nearing it's end Vedika, do not worry".
Vedika nodded with tears in her eyes.
"I have already made you drink the juice of blue lotus stalk ground with honey", Omisha said "It will give you all the confidence you need tonight. Confidence I have given you, everything else you have to take care. Tonight could change your life. Remember, your parents are watching you. I take your leave now. Good bye princess, and good luck".
There was a spark and Omisha had disappeared in the twinkling of an eye.
Without further delay, Vedika too hurried towards the carriage and hopped into it. Her footman shut the door, the horseman cracked his whip, the horses neighed wildly and off the entourage started it's way to Mittal Mansion.
A/N : Yayyy! We're finally off ❤️
Thank you so much for reading this chapter people. Please let me know what you think.
And stay tuned to know what happens next at Mittal Mansion ❤️

The Cinderella Of Rewa
Historical FictionA Desi remix of everyone's favourite fairytale.