24. Vedika

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Without contemplation of what the hundreds of strangers around them all belonging to conservative Indian society might think, Vedika threw herself into Nakul's embrace.

Was it a moment or an eon? Vedika's mind couldn't encompass. Some things cannot be measured. But this much she knew, she didn't want it to end. Nakul's embrace was generous and pure. The last person who had hugged Vedika like this had been her father.

It was sometime before they heard the disgruntled whispers of random onlookers and let each other go.

"Can we leave this hall?", Vedika asked desperately. She had no care about looking good or making a presence at this gathering. All she wanted was to get away to a lonely balcony and embrace Nakul all over.

"The ceremony is about to begin", Nakul said "We must be there".

Vedika nodded dispassionately.

And so the two of them stood and watched as Akshat and the Princess of Bhopal sat through the brutally monotonous rituals neither of them looking particularly interested in what was supposed to be a changing point in their lives.

"I really hope I'm not sitting like that when I get engaged", Vedika mumbled.

"You won't", Nakul whispered "I'll make sure of that". They smiled at each other.


After the main ceremony was over, people went off to eat or watch the entertainment provided by the hired musicians and dancers. Nakul and Vedika slipped out of the hall quietly.

Nakul took her to the most beautiful rose balcony of the Mittal Mansion. The flowers bloomed here with a hypnotising magic. But Nakul was more hypnotised by Vedika. His gaze was locked on her. Not on her lips, but her eyes. She made the first move and brushed her lips briefly against his, before pulling away.

Nakul coiled his arms around her, pressing her against him and claiming her lips. Heat flowed down Vedika's body like a rivulet. Every part that Nakul touched felt like it was ready to combust. She found herself trapped between him and the rose laden railing of the balcony and knew that there was no other place she'd rather be in.

One hand gently removed the marigolds sewn to her five strand plaited hair while the other hand gripped her waist tightly. She shared that sentiment and pulled him impossibly closer.

Releasing her lips, Nakul moved to her jaw and then down to her neck leaving feather light kisses in it's wake, marking every spot.



Vedika had already forgotten what she was going to say. It didn't matter though. She was sure Nakul already understood everything she felt. When he had gone down from her neck to her collar bones, Vedika smiled and turned her gaze away down to the driveway that was visible from the balcony.

She absentmindedly noticed some of the guests departing. Nakul's parents were at the gate bidding farewell to the more important visitors while the comparitively less important ones were bidded adieu by the butlers who sent them off with souvenirs of gratitude.

Vedika's heart leapt when she saw the familiar silhouettes of three elaborately dressed ladies walking out onto the porch towards a silver carriage. Daju Ma and her stepsisters were leaving! What would happen when they reached home and found that Vedika was not there?

Her immediate urge was to bolt downstairs and flee the place, but she realised she could not run. She couldn't even move. Nakul was holding her firmly.

"I have to go", she whispered in his ear as she tried to wrest her hands away.

"Can't let you", Nakul said kissing her elbow.

"My stepmother has left. I have to reach home before her. They will fry me if they find out I've been here".

That seemed to bring Nakul out of his reverie.

"This is an incomplete meeting", he said with aching in his voice as he loosened his grip on her.

"An incomplete meeting leaves the promise of another one", Vedika said as she slowly released herself from his arms.

As they stepped away, both of them looked at each other and briefly nodded before Vedika started running down the stairs. Halfway down, she heard Nakul call out.

"Vedika I love you".

She turned around briefly.

"I love you too", she said and smiled before turning around again and resuming her sprint down the stairs.

If she had turned around once more she would've seen Nakul's hopeless love for her etched in his eyes and the one golden sandal she had left behind in her hurry.

A/N : Wonderful people, really hope you liked this chapter (hehe) ❤️

Let me know what you think!

See you next Sunday ❤️❤️

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