30. Vedika

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A/N : Welcome back my amazing people. Thank you so much for waiting. You guys are the best! ❤️

Without much ado, here is the next chapter of Vedika's story!


The butler of the Mittals has arrived in Thakur Mansion, the last elite house left in Rewa. Daju Ma finds out that Vedika is the mysterious girl whom the Mittals are trying to find and locks her up in the attic after a vain attempt to kill her. Vedika's stepsisters try on the golden sandal but it doesn't fit them.

Daju Ma convinces the butler that there are only two girls in the house and he is about to leave when Vedika arrives just in time.

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Everyone looked taken aback to see Vedika.

"But...but madam told me there are only two girls in this house", the butler blabbered.

"Oh my stepmother has a poor memory sometimes. Age, you know", Vedika said gently. She looked at Daju Ma who was practically shaking with vexation on seeing Vedika.

"Butler", Daju Ma said in a dangerous voice "Give me the sandal, I will make my stepdaughter try it on".

The butler handed the sandal to Daju Ma reluctantly. Vedika watched. She knew her stepmother would definitely try something now.

Sure enough, Devoleena Thakur took a step forward and allowed the edge of her nine yard saree to graciously trip her over. She fell all the way face down, making sure the sandal flew out of her hand and landed straight into the fireplace. Where a brilliant red fire was alive and burning.

There were instant gasps of despair all around the hall. Everyone went berserk. By now Daju Ma's intentions were more than evident. The butler, however was concerned for another reason. His mistress had asked him to find the owner of the sandal. But he had lost the sandal now and hadn't found it's owner either. Vedika saw his disheartened face.

"Don't worry sahib, I am the owner of that sandal", she affirmed.

The worried butler looked from Daju Ma, still on the floor to Vedika in confusion, "B..but what are you saying?"

"Don't believe me?", Vedika said "Look at this then", and she brought out the other golden sandal that she had pocketed within her saree.

This set the hall into another frenzy. Everyone watched with wide eyes. They realised that the moment of truth was coming. Everything was going to change.

What pierced the anticipating silence of all the onlookers was an ear splitting scream from Daju Ma, "You bitch!", she yelled at Vedika, shocking everyone in the room.

Possessed with rage and resentment towards the girl who would always be the rightful heir to the house and everything else that she had so deviously wrested from Yash Thakur, Daju Ma, forgetting all her long planned strategies to remain discreet, got up from the floor and lunged forward like a mad woman to snatch the other sandal too from Vedika's hand.

But alas for Daju Ma, her last desperate attempt to destroy her biggest rival was ruined by what she never expected would ruin her in anyway.

Even as she was about to pounce on Vedika she felt two pairs of hands grabbing one arm each of hers.

Daju Ma looked around and her mouth fell open when she saw Sonakshi and Madhuri holding her back.

Her two daughters! Daju Ma stared in disbelief. Even Vedika stepped back in shock.

The girls were no beauties, not particularly intelligent, they possessed no special talents either. The one thing they had done all their lives was following their mother. Unquestioningly.

Did they realise that the one principle they had lived by so far was not getting them anywhere and so they decided to change track or had they finally weighed their own moral compass and chosen to stand for what was right and not simply what their mother stood for? Only they knew!

"Ma enough", Sonakshi said in a defeated voice "How long will you go on like this?"

"Yes ma, haven't we done enough already?", Madhuri said "How much more will we do? What will you get from all of this? Is this how you repay Yashvant saab?"

"Please ma", Sonakshi begged "Just give up all of this. Have we not earned enough bad karma already?"

Maybe Vedika's was too kind a heart but she felt that, at that moment, she could completely forgive both her stepsisters for never welcoming her into their lives. Both of them were after all, ordinary to the last degree with nothing special about them. They were constantly outshined by Vedika's breathtaking beauty, intelligence, charisma and flair. Was it not natural that they possessed some resentment towards her?

Vedika was snapped out of her reverie by Sonakshi's urgent voice, "Vedika just put on that damn sandal", she urged in a voice that she had never used to her.

"Yes beta..please quick", the butler added, looking worried. The poor man looked like he was going to get a heart attack with all the drama that the Thakur ladies were doing.

Vedika looked around at the hall of spectators. They were none but the servants of the house who belonged in Thakur Mansion as much as she did, who had been on her father's payroll for years, who had been forced to feign loyalty to Daju Ma in fear of their dear lives.

Vedika saw hope in their faces. They were praying that the tyranny of the woman who had tortured them all these days, would end today. Ranga stood in the front of the group. His eyes were sparkling with anticipation. He looked at Vedika hopefully. No matter what dirty work he had carried out for Daju Ma, Vedika knew he carried her father in his heart.

Overwhelmed with emotion and determined to the end Daju Ma's tyranny once and for all, Vedika slowly bent down and placed the sandal on the marble floor. And as the entire hall watched with bated breath, she slid her toes into it effortlessly.

It was a perfect fit!

The hall erupted into an avalanche of applauses and cheering. Maids hugged each other. The children jumped up and down clapping their hands. The stable boys were whistling loudly. Vedika looked up, satisfied. The karma that Anjali Thakur had believed in, had finally served justice in a silver platter to her daughter.

The butler of the Mittals was thrilled, "By the grace of God!", he cried in joy "We have found the daughter-in-law of the Mittals!"

A/N : Aaaaand we have only one more chapter left to go ❤️

I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Please let me know what you think. Once again, thank you so so much for waiting all this time.

Much love ❤️❤️

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