The Shock

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After 6 hours of waiting at the surgery room, the doctor went out and his face looked sad and worried, when Alex saw the doctor he ran to him to know what happened, the doctor hold him tight and talked to him .
"Son you have to be strong for your friends and .."Doctor said. Alex interrupted him
"W.....wh.....why??! , wh....wh.....what happened ??!  tell me what happened Please !!! "Alex said while he was screaming.
"We helped them as much as we could but they've lost a lot of blood ,their bones were crashed and they were in a terrible situation. We did everything we could. I'm so sorry son but you have to be strong and support them, and if you want anything, I'll be in my office"Doctor said.
"Wait..!!! you are a liar, your job is to help people to save their lives .
I hate you . You can't just go, it's not that easy, come back here and explain to me what really happened, don't leave me confused , please"
  Alex said while he was crying and screaming.
"Son you have all the right to be angry and worry about your friends but, you have to know that I am only a human , am not a God son, I can't make your friends be the way they were I'm sorry, they lost some of their organs but that doesn't mean they can't live as usual, I know that they will have some difficulties in their life that's why you should be with them, and help them, at least your friends are not dead so you have to be thankful, I have to go now, excuse me " Doctor said.
While the doctor was leaving he remembered something he turned back and he looked at Alex, he saw that Alex was crying and in a shock from what he heard, so he just turned back and went to his office saying "I'll tell him later ".
Alex was shocked and he didn't know what he should do. He sat and started thinking of what the doctor meant ?!, why he said that ?! , he was almost going to explode, suddenly he felt a terrible pain in his chest "heeeeeeelp , help ... help ... help me please!!"
Alex said.
When the nurses and the doctors heard him they ran to see what happened. They found him on the ground and he was unconscious they started seeing his vital signs, his heart was beating so slow.
"Hurry up!!  we have to take him to the surgery room now or he's gonna die !"
Doctor said.
"Ok, but we need a surgeon and Dr Max is the only one who exists" Nurse said.
"What are you waiting for? call him now " Dr-Mark said while he was screaming.
"Ok,ok, right a way "..Nurse said.
when Alex woke up,  Dr Max was sitting next to him.
"What happened to me?! " Alex said.
"Oh... Finally you woke up , I was worried  about you son " Dr-Max said.
"Please tell me what happened??!" Alex said.
"Will you got a chess pain and your heart was very weak so we took you to the emergency room and we gave you some medicine and we tried to revive you and here you are"
Dr-Max said.
"Bb....but how did that happened ?!!" Alex said.
"Its my fault , I'm so so sorry, please forgive me son " Dr-Max said.
"What do you mean?!" Alex said.
"When I told you the news about your friends you couldn't take it and you felt so bad. That's why you felt that pain in your chest and you become unconscious " Dr-Max said. "That's weird it's the first time something like that happened to me" Alex said.
"I'm really happy that you are okay.." " Well, now you should get some rest and I will return to check on how are you doing son, Okay !?" Dr-Max said.
"Ok." Alex said.
The next day Alex woke up and found Dr Max sitting next to his bed. He woke him up and the doctor told him that he is okay and he can go out today, Alex was so happy then, he remembered something!
"Doctor !! where are my friends ,and how are they doing !?, please don't lie to me and tell me the truth.."
"Ok, maybe I can't tell you but I can show you " Dr-Max said.
Alex was worried but he pulled himself and went with the doctor. When the doctor opened the door Alex was shocked he didn't realize what the doctor meant and that what he was about to see. 😢😢😭😢😢.
What did Alex saw ?!
Why does he shocked ?!
What will Alex do ?!
That's all my readers. What we will know in the next part comment please 😋😊

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