Alex was shocked from the scene he wasn't aware of what he was going to see 😢😭😱😔
"Doctor, please tell me that's not Jack, please!! you're maybe mistaken with the rooms. It happens a lot, maybe Jack is in another room and that is just another patient please tell me that I'm right, please !!" said Alex while he was crying and screaming.
"Alex, remember what did I told you , you have to be strong for your friends
and to give them hope. Look son, life doesn't stop here, how many lives hit you and let you down. You shouldn't give up! you must fight back and get along with whatever happens. Now you have to be with your friends ,they need you , and don't forget what I told you Ok..!" Dr-Max said.
"Yes, doctor I won't forget that, and I will do as you said, I promise .. " Said Alex.
"Good "😄😉 Dr. Max said.
While the doctor was leaving the room Alex stopped him
"Doctor wait! "Alex said.
"What.... ?" Dr-Max said.
"This is Jack, where is my brother Tom ?" Alex said.
The doctor got confused of the question and didn't know what to do then , "Alex how about seeing him next time not now ,please " Dr-Max said.
The doctor didn't want Alex to see his brother now, cuz he knew that if he saw him today he won't hold on and he will break down.
"Please just tell me where is my brother , please ,I can't wait anymore just tell me "
Alex said.
Alex was so eager to know but the doctor refused to tell him and he left the room.
Alex was shocked because the doctor left him confused and worried about his brother, he sat down thinking about everything "Jack, Tom and Dr Max" , while he was thinking
Jack woke up. He opened his eyes and he was checking around then he saw Alex and smiled. "Al....Ale.....x..Alex" ..(Jack said with a weak tone).
Alex heard that, then he looked toward Jack. He saw him awake, he smiled and jumped to him .
"Hey, Jack how are you?? Do you feel better??" Alex said.
"As long as you're with me , I am fine", Jack said.
Alex smiled .
"Thanks my friend , but I really want to know how are you feeling now . Tell me!! " Alex said.
"Well, I don't feel that I'm okay, my head , my chest , my left leg and my right hand .All these are hurting me" Jack said.
Alex felt bad about his friend , "It's okay, it will pass with time . Try to hold on and I'm here for you my dear friend "Alex said.
Jack smiled , "Ok my dear , I will" Jack said.
Then the doctor came with a pale face , worried and he didn't know what to say .
Alex panicked and he knew that something wrong happened.
"Doctor, what happened is everything okay??" Alex said.What happened and what will Alex know?
Is the doctor gonna tell him or not ?
That what we will know at next chapter.
Never Give Up
Historia Cortaاتمنى تعجبكم هذه اول مره لي اعرض كتاباتي كتبت كثير وهذه اول ماكتبت في حياتي وهي توافق واقعي لكن بطريقه مختلفه اتمنى تستمتعوا بها واتمنى تابعوني وتفيدوني بتعليقاتكم طبعا القصه بالانجليزيه اكتب فقط بالانجليزيه Have Fun guys