A Million Dreams

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3rd Person POV

A small boy named Blumiere stared into the window of a shop, inside a large white cloak, white top hat, and staff inside. It was a lot fancier than his older, much more worn, clothes that he had on at the moment.

"Blumiere, come on." A voice behind him boomed. "We will be late if you dally any further!" Blumiere nodded. "Yes, father." The small blue boy floated after his father in the panic of being left behind. "Wait for me!" The taller man laughed. "The future doesn't wait for people who doddle, Blumiere! Hurry up and catch it!" 

Blumiere's father was usually a very cheery sort of man, so many respected him. Although his bloodline had some very difficult issues in the past, he was determined to start on a clean slate in Flipside.

"Father, where are we going?" Blumiere asked, his sky blue eyes shining.

"Somewhere... new." Blumiere's father took a deep breath, "We lost our home, Blumiere. We serve a human family now."

Blumiere's eyes went wide with shock. His father would never agree to be in the same room as humans, let alone being a servant! "B-But, father-"

"Hush, boy. Only speak when spoken to, and follow every order. Do you understand?"

Blumiere nodded and kept floating after his father, having no idea that his life was about to change.


(A/N: At this point, Blumiere's father had died. Just so you guys know. Wasn't sure how to fit it in there, but Blumiere's dad is dead. You may now cheer.)

2 years later, Timpani POV

"Arm extended, elbow out... do this with grace, Timpani," My mother droned on with the lesson, and I tried to follow along. I was never good with being 'ladylike'. I just want to play outside! Is that so much to ask?

I looked over to see Blumiere, his usual smile on. He took a small piece of wood, a cloth, and a wire.

"Keep your cup level, Timpani. No, no, that's too high. Lower the cup."

Out of these, Blumiere crafted a makeshift teacup and draped the cloth over the side. 


Blumiere pretended to take a sip and pretended to eat the cloth, making me spit out my tea, bursting into giggles.

"Timpani," my father called. "Come here, darling."

I stood up, trying to hide my smile, and strode over to my father, his grey-blue eyes shining. "Your dress...." He muttered, shaking his head. "Is this how a proper lady should behave?" Before I could answer, Blumiere spoke up. "It was my fault, sire." There was a long pause. "I made her laugh." My father smiled. "Now, thank you for your honesty," He began, then frowned, slapping Blumiere clean across the face. "Stay away from my daughter. Do you understand?" Blumiere nodded in shame, turned, and left. Before he did, he smiled and winked at me. 

I knew what that meant.


That night, 3rd Person POV

Blumiere sat at the edge of a cliff, the beach breeze ruffling his dark blue hair, the stars twinkling in the sky, waiting. Time stands still for those who wait, and Blumiere could see that, now. Eventually, a girl in a white dress emerged from the thicket, smiling, and sat next to him.

"How'd you get out?" He asked.

"The window."


There was a long pause. 

"Blumi, I'm scared..."

"Of what?"

"My father is sending me to a boarding school... I don't know what my future will be," she sighed. Blumiere smiled. 

"I do."

~Start Music~

Blumiere: I close my eyes, and I can see
A world that's waiting up for me,
That I call my own...

He stood up, extending a hand to Timpani.

Blumiere: Through the dark, 
Through the door, 
Through where no one's been before,
But it feels like home...

Timpani took his hand, and he lead her to a large, old mansion. 

Blumiere: They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy~
They can say, they can say I've lost my mind~
I don't care, I don't care so call me crazy~
We can live in a world that we design!

The pair explored the mansion, showing mystical wonder as the small boy twirled Timpani around.

Blumiere: Every night I lie in bed,
The brightest colors fill my head!
A million dreams are keeping me awake~
I think of what the world could be,
A vision of the one I see!
A million dreams is all it's gonna take~
Oh, a million dreams, for the world we're gonna make~

Timpani giggled, following him into another room.

Blumiere: There's a house we can build~
Every room inside is filled
With things from far away~
Special things I compile,
Each one there to make you smile
On a rainy day~
They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy~
They can say, they can say we've lost our minds~
I don't care, I don't care if they call us crazy~
Runaway to the world that we design!

10 years later

Blumiere: Cuz' every night I lie in bed,
The brightest colors fill my head!
A million dreams are keeping me awake!
I think of what the world could be!
A vision of the one I see!
A million dreams is all it's gonna take~
Oh, a million dreams for the world we're gonna make!

Timpani: However big, however small,
Let me be part of it all~
Share your dreams with me~
You may be right, you may be wrong,
But say that you'll bring me along
To the world you see~

Both: To the world I close my eyes to see~
I close my eyes to see~!

Blumiere: Every night I lie in bed,
The brightest colors fill my head~

Timpani: A million dreams are keeping me awake~

Blumiere: A million dreams~!
A million dreams~!

Both: I think of what the world could be!
A vision of the one I see!
A million dreams is all it's gonna take~
A million dreams for the world we're gonna make~

For the world we're gonna make~

~End Music~

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