The Museum

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A/N: Sorry for the bad writing, I had a spike of caffeine after going on Coffee Strike, and my brain doesn't want to work XD Also, this may be a shorter chapter, sorry! -w-" Happy Reading!

~~Two Years Later~~

"What do you mean, a million coins?" Timpani harshly whispered to her husband. "Why in Grambi's name would the bank suddenly give us a million coins?? Blumiere, what did you do?!" 

A few days earlier, Timpani and Blumiere got a call from the bank explaining that they were going to be given a million coins, and that was that. No taxes, no fees. Just a million coins.

"I didn't do anything! Honest!" Blumiere lifted his gloved hands in defence. "Timpani, we need the money anyway. We're too deep into debt, the girls are gaining different needs, I'm still working odd jobs... we need this! I say this is a blessing! Besides, what other choice do we have?"

Timpani sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I guess you're right..."

"AND I have a brilliant idea to gain profit!"


"....A museum. Really, dad?" August shook her head. "Not just any museum,"  Blumiere started, only to be cut off by his youngest daughter.

"Is there anything magic in there? Like a mermaid? Or a unicorn??" Martha was jumping up and down in excitement. "Or.... A unimercornmaid?!"

"No... I'm sorry, Martha." The blue man sighed. He couldn't help but feel guilty that he couldn't provide something impressive. Martha sulked and hugged her plush. "Oh... I-Is there at least an elephant?" Blumiere shook his head. The small girl let out a small 'aw' in disappointment, hanging her head. 

"Well... I'm sure you'll like it more once we're inside!" Blumiere winked and opened the door to the museum.

After he gave a quick tour of the museum, Martha, Timpani, and August soon found it was a wax museum, a creepy one, too. "Is there ANYTHING alive in here?!" August huffed. Timpani hushed the small red girl and spoke up. "It's wonderful, dear. I'm sure this will attract multiple tourists." 


Months passed. No tourists came, despite Blumiere's efforts. "50% off tickets to anyone wearing a hat! Yes, that means you, sir!" 

Martha was failing in school. August tried to help out at the museum after school hours with Timpani, but there wasn't much to do. It seemed there was little hope for the poor family.

Until one fateful night, as Blumiere and Timpani were tucking in their children.

"Dad..." Martha murmured.

"Yes, darling?"

"Nobody wants to come to the museum... maybe-" The small girl yawned and hugged her plush, Simmer, closer, "Maybe you should try something else."

"Yeah," August cut in. "Wax isn't that cool..."

"Exactly! Maybe you should try something alive," Martha yawned again. "Something magical... something new and different. Something inspirational."

The girls said their goodnights and Blumiere flicked off the light, then lit the Wishing Machine, and closed the door behind him as he left the girls' room.

However, Martha's words got Blumiere thinking. 

Something new.

Something inspirational.

Something alive.

Blumiere had an idea.

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