Janae's P.O.VRing Ring Ring
I looked at the caller I.d. it was Mo yass my girl.
*Phone conversation*
Me: hey girl whats up!!
Mo: Janae its eli!...
Me: (eye roll) girl what he do now
Mo: he got shot! Man on my life if he die they gone pay (she started crying hystericaly)
Me: are yall at a hospital? tell me where!
Mo: where at florida orlando hospital
I mean oviously we live Orlando , Florida.
( author here I dont remeber where I located them first dont think I did so yeah I know they went to a Miami party so yeah)
I rushed my ass too the hospital why eli he's done some bad things but he has always been a good person and loved his family more than anything.
And I loved him for that.
When I got their I saw Mo's mom just sitting their with Mo shaking her leg with her eyes closed.
I ran too them and hugged Mama Duke
"Ma im so sorry for what happened" I explained.
"Its okay baby its not your fault" she said.
I know but if I answered my phone maybe I could talked to him if this would be our last time.
"Family of elijah..." the nurse said ma dukes cut her off .
"Yes yes" Ma said.
"Is he your son?" She asked.
" Yes I am now can I see my baby!" Ma yelled.
"And im his sister!" Mo yelled.
"Are you his sister? " the nurse asked.
"No but she's family" Mo said.
"Okay well all of you come with me" she said.
We all hurried ourselves too his room.
When we got their Ma dukes and Mo rushed to his side.
Crying and balling their eyes out I was just happy he was alive he looked up at me.
"You came" he said.
"Of course she came eli were family" mo said.
Ma just did a look like she knew something.
"Yeah where else would I be knowing that you where here" I said.
"Can I talk too janae alone" he said.
"Why!? I mean no affense janae you my baby I love you but eli you just got shot I wanna be with you" ma dukes said.
" I agree mama" said mo.
"Please ma" he said.
"Come on girl" ma said pulling on mo.
"If you say so" mo replied then she gave me a hug as she walked out.
When I knew It was clear I rushed over to him.
And hugged.
"Im so so sorry I didn't answer your calls its just that.....*tears* *tears* I thought you were trying start mess" I explained.
" I was trying to tell you im going back to school" he said smiling.
He wiped my tears.
"Thats great" I said grinning so hard.
We both started to laugh.
"Yeah this hood shit aint wassup no more I done forgot that the objective was too get the fuck out of the hood" he said.
"Dont let that white boy...." he started.
"Dont start with that" I started.
"Would you let me fucking finish I just got shot girl damn" he said laughing.
I laughed too.
"You really love him" he said.
" yes I do" I said.
"Well before I was interrupted what I wanted to say was dont let that boy distract you from graduating highschool cause he's gone be leaving soon and your gone be left here" he said.
"I just dont want him to be the only thing you worry about" he finished.
Thats when I started to think he was leaving me soon and I haven't even been worried about my school work.
"Your right I need too get on my shit.... he is gone leave for college soon" I said.
I hugged Eli goodbye.
"Rest up and get well" I said.
Then kissed his forehead.
I walked out Mo and Ma dukes rushed in their after saying goodbye to me and giving me hugs.
I went home and hit the books I been on a/b honor roll all highschool its not changing this year or next year.
Ring ring ring
It was Jamie my biggest distraction.
Phone conversation
Jamie: hey baby wanna go skating.
Me: I'm sorry baby I can't I need to study.
Jamie: come on ill get you home and you'll be able to study.
Me: baby I can't .... I want too but
Jamie: im coming over I'll help you study
End of conversation.
Ugh Damn he better really be helping me study.

Teen Fictionwhat happens if no one wants you? what do you do where do you go? what if the only person that wants you is two different guys but one has been their longer then the other who do you choose? lets find out in this tale unwanted.