Samantha's P.O.V
I felt so sick the whole day what the hell is going on?!?!
good thing im going to the doctors tomorrow I just cant deal.
Never felt like this before.
Janae's P.O.V
The party was so lively I was loving it even though i'm not really a party person I prefer just a small hang but all my peeps were coming so why not.
Mo gave me the eye as she saw Annie approach she started talking to Jamie like he wasnt with his friends.
Then sex you by Bando Jonez came on and I had to dance with my man im just saying this was my shit like seriously.
I pulled Jamie along with me to where everyone was dancing and I started dancing on him.
Mo's P.O.V
This girl sure is mean mugging my bestfriend like crazy.
Im have to warnher later but for now turn up!!!!
Annie's P.O.V
How dare she pull my man away from me.
Jamie was mine not hers mime! I got to get rid of Janae.

Teen Fictionwhat happens if no one wants you? what do you do where do you go? what if the only person that wants you is two different guys but one has been their longer then the other who do you choose? lets find out in this tale unwanted.