Episode Two - Drama on the Dance Floor

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Carly watched in jealousy as Beckett and Vanessa danced. Vanessa did a glissade into saut de chat and Carly bit her lip. How was Vanessa so good? Carly practiced non-stop, at home, in line for lunch, literally anywhere, but still, Vanessa was better. When they pirouetted in unison, Beckett's eyes locked with Carly's and heat raced to her cheeks.

Carly: I don't like Beckett, right!?

Carly did an attitude turn to fouette then split leap. She rehearsed the rest of the choreo, counting the steps in her head. Mrs. Hellsweel nodded in approval when she passed Carly. "Wanna get lunch?" Vanessa asked, breaking free from Beckett. "Sure." Carly said. "Can I have one caesar salad and one green drink?" Vanessa asked the man in the food truck. I wrinkled my nose at the peeling paint. "I'll have macaroni without the cheese sauce and some water." I told. Something safe at least. "No cheese!" Beckett groaned. I blushed.


"Are you hiding in the night! Are running without putting up a fight! Are you the savior, in the nigh-i-ight! I can't see-e-e, I am blind! Running in the nigh-i-ight!" Alya sang. Bianca nodded. "Loosen your throat for the 'night' part."

"Ok." Alya responded. "Are you hiding in the night! Are running without putting up a fight! Are you the savior, in the nigh-i-ight!-"

Bianca cut her off. "Loosen! Not tighten!"

Alya frowned. "Come on Alya! You know this better than anyone." Bianca expressed.

"What are you guys doing?" Vanessa asked. "Practicing a song." Alya replied. "I was talking to Bianca." Vanessa stated. Alya looked down. She hadn't meant to embarrass Vanessa, but her plan worked! "V, I'm-"

"It's Vanessa." Vanessa reminded her. "Right." Alya said. "Anyway... let's get back to the song."

"Guys! Julie sent me something!" Miles said, running up to them. A bit ago Miles reached out to her and apologized. He was hurt, but what he did was wrong. "What is it?" Alya asked tightly.

Alya: I won't be jealous. Not this time.

"It's her photography portfolio!"

"Come onnnnn!" Everyone groaned. "She can't do everything, right?" Jax said warily. "Well," Vanessa said in a comedic voice, "One time, Julie showed me this novel she wrote, it even came with a song she wrote herself!"

Kit snorted. "Let's not make fun of her." Miles defended. "Right, cause you're her little cake thief." Alya said bitterly, grabbing her fraying purse. Miles scoffed. "I'm not the one who texted a jerk if he was ok after he pushed Kit!"

Alya gasped. "I thought I could trust you!"

"Well I guess you thought wrong!" Miles said, storming out of the room. Alya glared at his now empty seat and the room filled with tension. "I'll go see if he's ok..." Bianca said. Alya rolled her eyes. "You good?" Bianca asked. Miles banged on his drum even louder. "MILES I SWEAR TO GOD-"

"What?" He said irritably.

Bianca: Again. Why do I always get the moody teenage boy conversations?

"What was that back there?"

"That was Alya making extra drama." Miles stated. "Try to understand. You're talking about your ex in front of the girlfriend you had previously emotionally cheated on her with that same girl! It's a lot when you say it out loud." Bianca pondered. Miles bit his lip. "Fine. But that's no excuse for her behavior." Miles said. "What are you, a professor? 'No excuse for her behavior'- come on Miles." Bianca said. Miles itched his left arm. "Don't be thick Miles, you're both in the wrong, but also in the right. Alya shouldn't have snapped at you, but have empathy! Think about how Alya must feel." Bianca said. "Well why can't she think about how I feel!"

"Cause I didn't have an inspirational talk with her! Yet..." Bianca said. "Ok, well after you add that to your mental checklist of things to, can you actually tell her what you said?

Bianca: Ohhh this boy has gone too far. No one talks to Bianca Blackwell that way.

"Slow down on the sass! Why don't you talk to her, she is your girlfriend after all!" Bianca said, with her hands on her hips. Miles frowned. Talking to Alya might be a little harder than he thought. "What are you smiling about?" Bianca asked. "Nothing." Miles said, staring at his phone. A text from Julie. Again, this might be harder than he thought.

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