chapter ten.

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The day of her cousin's wedding had finally arrived. Lucy woke up earlier than her family since her aunt had asked her if she could help with hair and makeup for her and the bride. As much as Lucy didn't want to, she put her hatred aside and helped the stressed family on the big day.

She was dressed in sweatpants and a loose shirt from ages ago that she stole from her dad. On her way out, she heard her mom's alarm go off so she quickly ran out the door with her makeup bags and curling iron in hand. She put her bags in the backseat of her car along with the curling iron. She played music so she wouldn't fall asleep on the way to her aunt's house. It seemed to work, but all Lucy wanted was to sleep.

It took about half an hour to get to her aunt's house where many cars were parked outside. She assumed it was the rest of her family getting ready. She could see some little kids ran out of the house being chased by one of her cousins. She tied her hair back then got out of the car.

"Vanessa, Lucy is here!" Her cousin, Michael, shouted as he tried to chase after his younger cousin. That's when Lucu realized she would see all her cousins from both sides of the family attend Vanessa's wedding. Great.

Lucy got her bags and curling iron and walked to her aunt's house. It was clearly bigger than hers. Vanessa often bragged about how wealthy her family was, but that didn't bother Lucy. She ignored everything that came out of her mouth.

"Oh my god, Lucy! I'm having a crisis. There was supposed to be another makeup artist coming, but they got sick. Could you help with the bridesmaid's makeup too?" Vanessa said as she came out in a silk robe with her name printed on it. She still had rollers in her hair.

"Um . . . How many are there? Your mom wanted me to do her makeup too." Lucy entered the house with Vanessa.

"Eight. Two of my friends got in this huge fight so they bailed. Bitches. I would've asked you, but I had a feeling you were busy." Vanessa stopped to check her face in the hallway mirror.

"Yeah, busy doing makeup for ten people now," Lucy walked to the living room and started setting up her own area. "Do you want to go first or last?"

"I'm the bride, obviously I go first." Vanessa acted offended by the question.

After almost an hour of applying makeup, mostly because Vanessa didn't like any palettes Lucy had brought with her, Vanessa was finally satisfied with the look. That's when Vanessa's mom came into the room with her hair already done. Lucy was confused since her aunt had told her she needed her to hair also.

"I just curled it to save you some time. Vanessa texted me about the other makeup artist so I just got this done." Her aunt Alicia said.

"Oh . . That's fine. Uh, where are the bridesmaids? I wanna get started as soon as I can. My mom wants me to work a small shift before the wedding." Lucy said as she cleaned her area.

"What? Why? My soon to be husband said he doesn't want me to work." Vanessa said.

"Floja." Her mom commented as she passed by her daughter to get to the kitchen. (An: for my non spanish speaking friends, floja means lazy)

Vanessa scoffed. "They should be here in an hour."

An hour. Vanessa wasn't completely wrong. Two bridesmaids showed up, half an hour later three showed up. It went like that until all eight girls finally arrived. By the time Lucy was finished, it was almost time to attend the ceremony. Unfortunately, Lucy didn't have a chance to go since she had to rush home to get her work clothes and race to the family restaurant. She didn't understand why she was the only one of her family working. She was convinced her mom was punishing her for talking back to her.

By the time Lucy got to the restaurant, she saw her mom in her best clothing exiting the building.

"I talked to your father. He wants you to close." Her mom said. Lucy couldn't believe it. Their regular closing time was 11 PM.

"Are you being serious right now? Please tell me this is some kind of sick joke. Look, I know I hate Vanessa, but I don't want to miss it." Lucy pleaded.

"This isn't about Vanessa and you feuding. We need someone to make sure everyone is doing what they're supposed to be doing. Your father wants you to be the manager for the night." Melina replied.

"Did dad say this or are you putting words in his mouth?"

"Luciana, just do your job and we won't have problems. I'm the mom, you're not so that means you listen to me." Melina raised her finger. Lucy swore that if her mom had the chance to hurt her with her long fingernails, she would take it.

"Fine. I'll stay and do your job. Hey, you said I was manager for the night that means i can close early." Lucy smirked.

"You do that and you'll be sleeping on the street." Melina glared at the brown haired woman as she walked to her car and got in.

"Jokes on you, I've done that."

An: two updates in a day??😩 happy new year or whatever 🤪☝🏼

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