chapter nineteen.

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After Andrew had left the apartment, Lucy had gotten a text from her brother, Daniel. She didn't expect him to text her after everything that had happened with their mom, but she always responded back to her siblings in case it was an emergency.

Mom wants to talk to you


Don't be like that
She wants to see you

Are you serious right now?


Don't be like that? You're stupid if you think I'm going to see her

She's our mom

She's your mom

And with that, she closed her messages and placed her phone on silent. She walked to the couch and grabbed the blanket Ben had let her borrow and wrapped it around her body. As she layed on the couch, she couldn't help but think about how horrible she felt when she was around her own mother. Why would she want to be around a person that makes her angry all the time?

Then she got a text from her dad.

Dad 🦇
Your mom wants to talk to you, but I know you don't want to see her. I get it, she's a pain. I don't know how much longer I can keep pretending. I talked to her five months ago about our marriage. She said that I might as well go back to my other woman (the girlfriend I had before I met your mom) because she hasn't loved me in a long time. We didn't tell you or your brothers about our plans to divorce, but I think it's time to think about what we want and what I want is for my daughter to have a happy life and if that means leaving the woman that caused her all this pain then I'm okay with that. Our divorce is being finalized next week I think. I'd love for you to meet Ashley my first girlfriend. She's excited to meet you too. We can go out to eat sometime soon. Love you Lucy! ALWAYS

P.s Ashley is the manager of a record store. Don't worry about going back to the restaurant. She can give you a job, I'm sure.

Lucy took a minute to process what she had just read. Her parents were getting a divorce, her mom never actually loved her dad and he wants her to meet his ex-girlfriend who might get her a job at a record store. . . and it was only the beginning of the week. She needed a vacation soon.

So Lucy texted back to her favorite parent.

Ashley sounds like a great woman! You deserve her, dad. Have you told the others about the divorce?

Dad 🦇
You're the first one

We can go eat tomorrow if that works?

Dad 🦇
Sounds good 👍🏻
You can pick what we eat

Ok ok
Is it okay if I bring someone? I mean I'm meeting ashley so I'd like for you and her to meet someone that makes me happy

Dad 🦇
If you're comfortable with us meeting them

Of course, you're my dad. I'll see you and Ashley tomorrow. Love you 🖤

Dad 🦇
Love you too!!

This was a big step for her. Not that many people even met her dad, it was always her undeserving mother. But she was confident that Andrew would love her dad. All she had to do now was make sure Andrew had no plans for tomorrow.

An: hello beautiful people!! so so sorry for this late update, but here is a new chapter!!

me writing this chapter because i love my dad more than my mom: 🏃🏽‍♀️💨

sorry mom, but you gave me depression and my dad gave me ice cream

dreaming of you • andrew garfield Where stories live. Discover now