chapter twenty.

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When Lucy asked Andrew if he wanted to meet her dad over lunch, he replied a little too quickly. It was a yes, but Lucy found it funny that he immediately said yes. She figured that he would have some big project to work on, but he told her that he could move around his schedule just for her.

Andrew picked up Lucy from Ben's apartment, but not before he got a 'lecture' from Ben.

"Bring her back before twelve, don't lose her and if she gets a burger, just make sure it doesn't have tomato or pickles, she hates them. She forgets to check them sometimes." Ben instructed as if Lucy was a child.

"Ben, sweetheart, he's not going to lose her, but do bring her back soon. She needs her sleep." Claudia mentioned from the couch. She had a bowl of popcorn mixed with m&m's and was all snuggled up with a plethora of pillows and a blanket.

"Yes to all of that," Andrew nodded and gave Claudia a thumbs up. "Is her dad mean?" He asked Ben.

"Her dad is the most nicest person. Her mom is the one you should watch out for. She's a bitch." Ben admitted.

"Ben!" Claudia threw several popcorn kernels at him. "We don't call women bitches! Wait, who are you talking about?" She had been way too into the tv to even realize her boyfriend had mentioned Lucy's horrible mom.

"Melina." Ben confirmed.

"Oh, yeah she's a bitch. Total bitch," Claudia agreed. "Never met her, but if Lucy hates her then I hate her."

"So she's the villain in this universe—"

"Mate, we're not in the marvel cinematic universe." Ben said with a straight face.

"If we were, I would hate the Avengers. Imagine getting a brand new car and Captain America uses it as a shield." Claudia added.

Just then, Lucy came out of the hallway bathroom all dresses up in her favorite sundress. She even did her makeup, something she learned to do after high school because her mom wouldn't let her wear it. Melina thought if Lucy got into makeup, the girl would end up spending their money on useless brands so instead Melina banned it from their house. It didn't take long for her to secretly use it then claim that Lucy's cousin Vanessa had given it to her as a present.

"Lucy! You look so gorgeous! Ben, I'm dropping you and dating Lucy." Claudia gasped.

"Of course, everyone loves Lucy." Ben sarcastically said.

"Yeah, they should. The universe loves me so much that they even named a show 'I Love Lucy'. Face it, Benny, I'm better than you." Lucy teased her best friend.

"The shows isn't even about you—" Ben got shushed by Lucy.

"You look incredibly beautiful." Andrew said as he looked at Lucy. Is this what a high school crush felt like? Maybe it was just a normal crush, what's the difference?

"Oh, stop it," Lucy chuckled. "No, I'm joking. Keep the compliments coming."

"I would most definitely do that, but we'd be here forever and I'm pretty sure your dad isn't going to be happy about that." Andrew smiled. He then took Lucy's hand and led her to the door.

"Remember curfew!" Lucy heard Ben shout as the couple left the apartment.
"Have fun, drive safe, don't—" then the door shut. "don't drink and drive. Was I being annoying?" Ben sighed. He walked over to the couch and sat next to his girlfriend.

"I'm going to be honest with you, no and yes. Babe, Lucy's a grown woman. She's going to be fine, she's with Andrew. You trust Andrew, right?" Claudia cuddled up to Ben. She knew how protective Ben was over Lucy. He wasn't ready to let her go.

"I do until I don't. He's my friend, but Lucy's practically my sister. She's been through enough, I just don't want to see her get hurt." Ben replied.

"I have a feeling she won't and if Andrew does hurt her we can let him meet my mom. She hates boys who are jerks especially to women."

"That's a brilliant idea, Mrs. Barnes," Ben grabbed a handful of popcorn and eating it.

"When did I become a Mrs?" Claudia laughed as she continued eating popcorn, occasionally feeding some to Ben.

"I think when I laid eyes on you. Your kids are going to have to get used to the name change." Ben kissed Claudia's forehead.

That caused Claudia to groan. "Shit, I'm going to have to do a bunch of paperwork for the school because of my name change. Thanks alot Ben!"

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