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Hello, and welcome to my guide to Neko Atsume! I will be including a range of various tips about attracting rare cats, quickly acquiring gold fish and the best goodies out there.

If you are an experienced player or already know the basic gist of the game, you can skip this section:

So, another hello to all you newbies! I'll just give a quick overview of how to play Neko Atsume:

There really is no aim of this game - it's just about collecting cute cats to help relax you. However, there are some things that you can do to attract rare cats or get gold fish quicker.

In this game, there are two types of cats: regular cats and rare cats. As their names suggest, regular cats visit your yard more frequently and rare cats require selective goodies and food to visit.

There are also two types of currency in the game: silver fish and gold fish. Gold fish is worth more than silver fish. You can exchange gold fish into silver fish and vice versa in the 'shop'. You can earn silver fish and gold fish when cats visit your yard, as they leave a little tip when they leave :)

You can buy goodies (toys) and food for your cats in the 'shop'. Some goodies attract rare cats, some goodies are small, some are big, and some food is better than others (more on this later). You will always have an infinite amount of 'Thrifty Bitz' food, so if you ever run out of money and can't buy more food, don't fret!

 You will always have an infinite amount of 'Thrifty Bitz' food, so if you ever run out of money and can't buy more food, don't fret!

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(credit to the Neko Atsume website for this image)

After you have collected enough gold fish, you can expand/remodel your house. By expanding your house, you get more spaces to place goodies, which means more cats can visit! Remodeling  doesn't really do anything - you just get a different look to your house. This isn't necessary; I still prefer my house without a remodel!

Once a specific cat has visited a certain amount of times, you can get a memento from them. This is said to be a token of friendship and signifies that the cat trusts you.

You can also take pictures of cats which are automatically saved to the catbook and album.

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