Chapter 3- My Drug is My Baby

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Nothing too major will happen in this chapter it's just a bit of fun. I'm going to ask you, a million chapters in advance to not hate me for where I take this story.

Enjoy 😘


Yelena's special appearance, had welcomed a very warranted distraction. We spent so much time listening to stories of when her and Natasha were children. At some point everyone realized one after the other, that it was best if we give them some space, let them catch up the way they wanted to. 

"Hey, come on," Wanda says. She grabs my hand from the arm rest of my chair, and pulls me up. Leading me, she takes my hand in both of hers, behind her back. We make our way into one of the bunks on the plane. It's a bit small, but private nonetheless.

"Are you okay?" I ask, sitting on the bed. "What do you mean?" She walks closer, picking my hands up again. "I mean, we went from living a normal life to being hunted. You're worried, or panicky?" I raise her hands to my lips, planting a kiss on her knuckles. "We've been hunted before, Babe." She says, running a finer over my own knuckles. "Yeah... It's now we have more to lose than we did before." She nods, analyzing my hands. 

"Where's your ring?" She drops my hands, waiting for a response. With a deep sigh, I reach into my pocket, taking the ring between my thumb and index finger. I place it in the palm of my free hand and hold it up to show her. "Why'd you take it off?"

I grab her hand, place the ring in her palm, and close it slowly. "After I put this ring on, I promised you that as long as I had it on, I would never go back into the field. I can't keep that promise right now. You need to understand... I will break any promise to make sure you and the kids are safe."

She holds my left hand up, and places the ring back on my finger where it belongs. "I would much rather you break your promise to never go back on the field, than break your promise to never leave us behind."

I pull her closer to me, letting her stand between my legs. "I love you, more than you could ever know."

She giggles, "I think I can get an idea of it."


Mexico City, Mexico

"Alright guys, let's get everything unloaded quickly. We have to check into the hotel in less than an hour, and it's twenty minutes away." I announce, walking out of the 

"Nicky, we got reservations at a restaurant near the hotel, it's got a bar, and it's got a dance floor. The kids have passes to the K1 Speed in Manacar, they could go to the skate park if they get tired of it." AJ says, handing me a tablet with a designated time.

"When did you even have time for research, weren't you messing with Bucky the whole time?"

"Obviously. I was multitasking. But here, look at this, it'll be crazy. Besides, you know how Mexicans party." He laughs, swiping on the screen.

"You promised never to speak about that." I groan, glancing at the screen. 

"No, Elijah promised never to speak of it. I never said anything." He giggles, almost childishly. 

"Yeah. Have you found anything on him?"

"Not recently, last I heard, he and his brother were in Russia. Part of me feels the reason they're AWOL is that they got in with the Bratva." He types in a few things on the tablet, and pulls up a picture. It was Eli, looking over his shoulder while he urges his brother into a building.

"How long ago was this?" I ask, taking the tablet from his hands. It was definitely Russia, but I'm not sure which part. "Two months ago."

"Alright. I'll talk to Oliver, see if he can get some intel from his guy." He nods, and quickly walks away when he sees someone enter. I can tell exactly who it is, without even turning around.

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