Chapter 5-The Last Escape

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Trigger warning: Scenes depicted in this chapter may contain mentions of assault, sexual harassment, suicidal thoughts and tendencies. 

Please do not feel pressured to read this chapter, a recap will be given before the next chapter. To all my readers who have experienced any of the above, I truly am sorry. I love you, and I stand with you. 


Despite how you may perceive me, I'm not a very big person. I'm pretty tall in comparison to the average woman, but as far as size, I'm kind of an athletic build on the thinner side. So compared to Steve, I look like a mini gym rat. 

Point is, I'm not very big. Most of the guys that were in charge of me, were bigger than me. Obviously I was a hell of a lot stronger, for obvious reasons. But when they'd pin me down, there was no getting up. I was never raped, thankfully. That was one of the few things I had Grant to thank for. No matter how much he hated me, he never let the other men touch me that way. Obviously, he couldn't stop them from talking to me that way, but it was better than the alternative. 

"Wakey, wakey," Brock says, dropping a bucket of ice water on my face. I shoot up, pulling my shirt away from my chest to keep the cold water from touching my skin. My heart is racing, and my chest is rising and falling quickly. It takes me a minute to realize what is happening, but I run my hands through my hair as soon as I do. 'Somebody shoot me already,' I think to myself. "You know what, Brock? Before I blow this place to shit, I'll make sure to strap you to a pillar, let you burn alive the way you deserve." 

He throws the plastic bucket at my head, before reaching down to grab me by the throat. "If you're alive right now, it's because I allow it." I laugh, despite his hand getting increasingly tighter around my throat. "Then take it." I look straight into his eyes, "go on. Take it. I don't give a flying fuck." He clenches his jaw, switching glances between my eyes. I laugh again, "but you can't, can you? Because you're not the boss here. If anything, you're at the bottom of the fucking food chain. Hell, Tyler probably has a bigger say than you." I laugh to myself, watching the hope burn out of his eyes. "Either way, you mean nothing. You can't do shit, because you answer to Grant. And if you touch me, he'll kill you."

He shoves me back, forcing me back down. "Well, that doesn't matter. Because today is my favorite day. Thanks to your little rogue mission, Strucker has ordered us to wipe you every four weeks. Maybe one day he'll let you guys live out your days knowing you had a life that we took from you. But today is not that day. Get her up, boys. It's mind wipe day." I didn't bother putting up a fight. Everything that mattered to me had already been taken away. No point in making it more painful.

They sit me down on a sketchy chair that looks like it belongs in an execution chamber. Two agents strap down my ankles, then my thighs, my torso, my wrists, and finally my arms. I watch them escort the doctor down to me, forcing him to sit in front of a screen. I stare him down as he places a mouth guard in my closed mouth. I bite down on the guard, and lay my head back. Here comes the part I dread the most. I watch the device come over my head, covering an eye and most of the right side of my head. 

The pain is excruciating at first, but then everything goes black, and you finally feel at peace.


"Subject Four. Are you ready to comply?" The contraption on my head was removed, and a rag was thrown on my chest. I stare up at the man in front of me, analyzing the features on his face. Grant. Something's wrong. I remember everything. I shouldn't remember everything, should I?

"My name is Grant Ward. I am your Supervising Officer. Can you tell me what your name is, Subject Four?" He leans forward, getting eye level with me. "I-" I look around, everything looked familiar, but I couldn't quite comprehend it. "I can't remember." Nicole. My name is Nicole. "Very well. Your name is Four. Field name, Titan. You work for an organization named Hydra. Your job is to follow orders, without thinking. You do what you're told, and you ask no questions." I nod, still trying to put the pieces together. "Very well. You have your first assignment, Agent Four. Your target, Jensen Kingston. Jensen has been stealing Hydra assets and selling them to the highest bidder. We haven't done much training with your powers as of late. So your job is to take him out, using your powers in whatever way you want." He hands me a yellow envelope. Upon reaching inside, I discover a pair of gloves along with pictures of Kingston and his associates. "Go. I will be on comms a block down the street from the hit point. I will be guiding you through your task. Any questions?" He asks, taking the envelope from my hands. "When do we leave?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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