Chapter 4- Come a Little Closer

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It's about to get a little spicy. ;D


Once we were in the car, Wanda began getting a little handsy. Any chance she could, she would put her hand on the closest area on my body. 

I chuckle as she begins undoing parts of my clothes. Starting with a button to loosen up my shirt, and ending with undoing the buckle of my belt. "Honey," I groan out. If she kept up, who knows if we'd make it to our room. "You only call me Honey when you want something," she giggles. "I want a lot of things, but for right now I want you to keep it together until we get to our floor. We've arrived."

She groans, "I don't know if I can last that long. It's a lonnnngggg way up." I raise a brow. But I know something that will definitely get her to wait that long. "Trust me Princess. It's in your best interest to wait. It will definitely be worth it." She smiles at my statement, but as soon as she understands what I'm saying, her wide grin leads to a sexy lip bite.

I open her door, giving my hand for her to use as support. Her other hand grabs onto the fabric of my pants on my thigh. She rises out of the car slowly, making sure to drag her fingers up with her. The way her hand moves up my body sends chills running up my spine. She knows exactly how to use her hands, and exactly how to bend me to her will. 

Once she's finally upstraight, I lean down. "Keep it up and we'll see how well you can do your job tomorrow if your legs are shaking," I whisper. She giggles, slipping past me to lean on the back of the car. "Is that a threat?" She mocks. I move past her, moving to the exit. "Babygirl, that's a promise," I clench my jaw as I pass her.

She extends her hand and grabs a hold of my arm before I can get any further. A slight tug and I'm being pulled back to her. "Well I know how much you love to keep promises," She whispers. She pulls me so close to her I can still smell the alcohol on her breath. "You know I especially love keeping the ones I make to you." 

She pulls me down by my neck, crashing our lips together. The kiss is wet and sloppy, but right now it's the last thing on my mind. Her fingers lace through my hair, tugging it back with every shift of movement. I pull my neck back, taking back whatever control I had left. Her grip was nearly unwavering. She bites my lip before letting it go. "Come on, Princess. The bed will be 10 times better than the cold hard ground."

Before giving her a chance to fight me on it, I pull her hand, bringing her away from the car. "Fine," she mumbles. Before I know it, she's dragging me inside. She's moving pretty fast for someone who's drunk off her ass. 

In order to get to the elevator from the garage entrance, we have to pass the reception desk. But it's just past midnight, so no one should be in there. However, once we're inside, we see the reception desk dimly lit by a small lamp. Working at the desk was none other than Mariana. "Hey, you're still here. Check ins end at 11, don't they? How come you're still working?" She looks up from her computer screen, laughing when she sees us. "Just getting everything ready for your meeting tomorrow," she giggles. 

I raise an eyebrow, "Why are you laughing? Is there something in my teeth?" This makes her laugh harder, and now urges Wanda to start giggling. "Um no, your hair is just uh- a little messy. You guys are having a really good night, huh?" I pull out my phone, using the camera to look at myself. I look like a mess, my hair was all over the place, and my clothes were undone. "Oh, that's interesting," I say, looking over at Wanda. "Go home Mariana, we'll see you at the meeting tomorrow," Wanda giggles. "Thank you, Mari. Feel free to take any room in the hotel, on me. And I mean any room." She smiles, waving the both of us off.

As soon as the elevator doors close, I push Wanda back against the wall. "Oh-" she gasps, as I grab a hold of her thighs. I lower myself a little to get under her. Using the grip I have on her thighs, I lift her up, raising her against the wall. The rail on the wall serves as a seat, allowing me to set her down on it. I center myself between her legs, pushing up against the front of her body. Her hands move to my hips, pushing me further into her, and moving back to my neck to get deep into a kiss. This cycle of movements continues until I finally speak up, "I can't get any further into you, Princess." 

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