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I had met up with Rasbi, y'know the traitor! Covering up for Apo and shit- anyway enough of my slander! I coughed a bit. I then saw something before Rasbi handed me a crayon saying,"Shut up, have a crayon" I then snatched the crayon and ate it. I finished it and then said,"I finished eating the singular very yummy crayon you gave me but Berry looking kinda.." Refering to Rasbi's cow, but Rasbi then asked,"Wanna make cheesecake?"

I was bored so I said,"Sure-" Rasbi replied with a little,"Yay!". I then asked,"Are we using Owen's cow cheesecake to make it?" Rasbi responded with,"Wrong cow, cheesecake was Graecie's cow! But we're going to make an actual cheesecake!" "Ehh- there's too many cows to keep track of. But yeah I guess we could make an actual cheesecake-"

That was before I managed to get distracted by something that was rustling in a tree- I walked towards it and climbed the tree and nothing was there, great. I was gonna jump back out the tree before spotting someone- I was about to yell out of shock before I just straight up passed out. What a loser.

I ended up waking up by the voices nearby. I was peeked through the leaves and saw Apo and Soup talking about probably unimportant stuff! I still watched though, before the branch snapped and I fell- This was the worse day ever!

To The Other Side! {Oeca's Pov!}Where stories live. Discover now