Warmth's Rant

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We finally all headed back to the clearing, stood around the campfire.

"Welcome to clearing A where arguments form" I said and opened my arms wide, just to add an effect to the sentence.

"Yeah I just want us to sit nd talk not for us to run away or fight please" Rasbi added after me, holding onto Apo's arm. Apo sighed, "Rasbi can you let go of my arm?"

"Yeah… sorry-" Rasbi let go of Apo's arm and continued on, "Oeca you can agree with me on this, not sure if you will but you know it’s true. The first day Owen and I got here all anyone did was fight that was like 7 years ago and it's still happening."

"Yeah.. like- I mean I got blamed for something and then it caused like 10 arguments" I responded and shrugged

"Im going to go to my house-" Magic quickly said and both Soup and Rasbi responded with, "Magic please stay.."

"No I'm done with this seriously" Magic said once again, before Rasbi interrupted with, "Yeah. And I was the one person who believed and trusted you" Rasbi said this responding to my previous statement

I just nodded in response as Soup said,"Why can't we all just talk?? I don't want us all to fight or ignore eachother for days on end anymore.."

"Because everyone here is idiots. It’s so hard to do anything.." Rasbi responded

"I have to agree in that, it causes a lot of problems that I hate being apart of-" I stated

Apo had suddenly began to walk away

"Apo-" Rasbi said watching Apo walk away

"Let Apo be, he needs to heal anyway-" I said

"Fin-fine.." Rasbi stuttered

Soup then randomly added,"I don't know if my potion works everytime, i try and help someone with them and all they do is ignore what i say and get injured more. Then say that my stuff didn't work when i knew it could have."

Rasbi interrupted,"Soup, Oeca can we just talk? At least-"

Soup and I just agreed with Rasbi's statement.

As we all sat down Rasbi whispered to me,"I’m sorry"

"It's fine" I whispered back in response

"I really wasn’t trying to imply that, i know its been like 5 years since you’ve cared about me but i still wouldn’t accuse you of that" Rasbi continued

I sighed "..Sure- I mean she only really did it to help Magic. I didn't give her the fireworks for her to like.. die."

"Yeah… I know. And I know you wouldn’t of actually intended to kill someone, especially her" Rasbi said

Soup just sighed as Rasbi hugged vamp, "You just looked like you need this" Soup hugged back,"Thanks rasbi." Rasbi smiled,"You’re welcome"

I once again was getting tired of their hugging shit so I randomly said,"Also uh- is it like yknow- unusual for you to see yourself? Like- all uh- bloody and stuff?- And like uh.."

"Depends-" Rasbi said, then I said,"And then you die?" Adding on to my previous question

"I- i just feel like sometimes there no reason for me to help anyone I guess.. I mean everytime i do, something bad seems to happen somehow.. -" Soup said, interrupting my grand speech of my emotions. How rude!

"You’re not alive?" Rasbi asked at my rant in which I responded with,"It was a dream I think-"

"Oh…" Rasbi said and then I added on,"I'm pretty sure I woke up after that- but also Soup this clearing just has bad luck-" Responding to both Soup and Rasbi.

To The Other Side! {Oeca's Pov!}Where stories live. Discover now