A Magic Trick!

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FORGOT TO SAY LAST CHAPTER BUT SORRY FOR THE HIATUS, forgot to even update the book but yeaahh we're back and better than ever 😎😎



We all entered the second maze, curiously.

"Soup, oeca? Have you ever been in here?" Rasbi asked as we all looked around.

"Like once" I responded, followed by Soup saying,"Yeah I was with.. Owen? I think like month ago" Soup added.

"I’ve never been in here, damn" Rasbi said, in which I couldn't care less about.

"Man- we could look around. I can probably remember the way." I stated truthfully(for once), since I actually have great memory of the maze's.

"It isn't as dangerous as maze-1 though" Soup added

'Doesn’t look it" Rasbi muttered as we continued down

"Theres less traps from what I remember!" Soup said glancing around the maze.

"I mean it's dangerous but I heard it has no grievers!" I added as he continued down the path.

"Just get weapons out just incase" Rasbi stated as I interrupted,"Come on let's go explore more!" I said excited about the new place, and grabbed my dagger out.

"Oeca, do you want this?" Rasbi turned to me and held a diamond dagger out towards me. What a reward!

"Sure." I stared blandly, inside I was internally screaming.

"Ok, here!" Rasbi handed me the dagger and I took it, joyfully,"Thank you I guess"

Rasbi then said,"I still have ori’s katona that I stole- It’s fine!" She said, in which I didn't ask.

"You stole from Pee-lover? God- He probably has extras so I think it's fine" I rolled my eyes thinking of him.

"Yeah he probably does" Rasbi added, before cutting herself off by saying,"He's basically a brother to me to be fair. Who isn’t at this point" Rasbi said proudly or something.. I ignored this.

"Come on let's go actually explore now!" I said again as I walked further down

"Actually which way do you wanna go?" I asked too lazy to decide myself, which Rasbi said,"Uhhhh- left?" I nodded and we continued down left.

This was before we heard an odd sounding noise, more so like a weird squelching noise.

"Did you hear that?" Rasbi asked, as if I didn't have ears.

"..Yeah, it was like a splotch noise yknow?" I said, disgusted at the noise.

"Come on… it might be one of the clearing members!" Rasbi grabbed my arm, even if I didn't want to go-

We continued running until I said,"I heard it over there" I pointed at the direction of where the noise had came from.

"Ok, let's go!" Rasbi continued to practically drag me with her.

We ended up spotting the one, the only, Magic Sins! Magic fell to her knees, holding a knife that had been stabbed into her stomach, casually.

"Is- is that…" Rasbi said as if she couldn't recognize Magic for some odd reason. This is sarcasm, she did infact recognize Magic.

I froze up once spotting Magic myself! Mostly concerned at the fact someone else was seeing a possible murder, and I might be blamed again if-

"That’s… that’s not her ri-right?" Rasbi stuttered, well apparently she didn't  recognize it was Magic..

I stayed silent for a bit, processing what I was seeing and what to do in this situation.

"Mag…magic.?" Rasbi asked as if Magic would respond with a knife in her goddamn stomach.

I finally ran up to Magic,

"Wai-wait!" Rasbi said, seemingly panicked.

Magic just faintly laughed, like an idiot.

"Magic?" Rasbi asked, AGAIN.

I grabbed her and started to drag her to the clearing, immediately. Deciding to actually do something about this.

"Magic… MAGIC PLEASE!- Dude wait up, let me help you" Rasbi ran towards us

"Oeca.. let me go.." Magic said blankly to me,

"Cmon we can actually save her- MAGIC, shush and stay up." I said roughly as I continued to drag her, which was difficult to say the least.

"Magic don’t.." Rasbi said as she helped drag Magic with me, as if helping with my murder scene.

"Oeca please I wanted this.." Magic said depressly,

"Magic stop-" Rasbi said, as if it would help the current situation.

"Ahah yeah you wanna leave us to get me blamed for killing someone again? No." I stated bluntly as I slightly tightened my grip on her.

"No one needed to know.." Magic stated as she let's herself get dragged, not putting much of a fight.

"Also don't be a dumbass the others like Soup still care about you-" I rolled my eyes, why was dragging her taking so long?!

Magic interrupted my thoughts as she said,"Goodnight.."

"That’s not why we’re saving you by the way" Rasbi said responding to my previous statement

"No magic…" Rasbi said as we stared as Magic fell asleep, with the knife still in them.

"Shit" I said quickly as both me and Rasbi picked up the pace of dragging Magic.

"Magic please Magic please Magic please Magic please Magic please Magic please Magic please Magic please Magic please Magic please" Rasbi repeated over and over, cAN SHE SHUT UP FOR A MINUTE-

I stayed silent though, more concerned over Magic than Rasbi's dumb rambling.

"Oeca… she isn’t dead, she’s not dead" Rasbi said, as if in denial that we murdered someone.

"We can help we've gotta be quick though." I stated as we finally made it back to the clearing.

How eventful!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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