Chapter 2

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"Thank you, have a nice day," I said to the Uber driver before stepping out of the car. I checked my phone and noticed that I had 5 minutes to spare, which gave me the perfect time to look at his file and sign in. I looked up to see a big white building. Damn, This hospital building looks good; I wonder why I've never heard about it before. When I get home, I will do some research on this place.

I walked inside the hospital and looked around. Surprisingly there were only 4 people in here. I was expecting many patients walking around. I walked straight to the front desk lady, feeling excited to start my job. "Good morning, I'm here for-"

"Oh, you must be doctor Keita," she said excitedly and extended her hand for me to shake. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm usually a very nice friendly person. But I have no idea who this lady is, and here she is trying to shake my hand, and secondly, she cut me off in the middle of talking; how rude is that??

I looked at her hand, then back at her. "I'm here for my patient."

"Yes, sorry about that," she said, chuckling awkwardly, bringing her hand down to grab a chart. "This is Mr. Valentino's chart, and I will walk you to his room." with that, I turned and looked down the hallway and started looking around the place; everything was so white and well organized; these are my favorite types of colleagues. The color white is so peaceful to me, that's why almost everything in my house is either white, black or grey. I don't have many decorations at home, there are no flowers in my house, the color coordinates do something to my head, and it's uncomfortable seeing all the cluttered mess. She got down from her desk and started walking with me following behind her.

I opened up the file while walking and started scanning through it. I'll take a look at the file later. Right now, I want to see the patient and study him. Hopefully, ill get a get guess at who I'm dealing with.

His name is Giovannie Valentino, and he's 30 years old; I noticed that he checked himself into the hospital. His last progress note was from a week ago. He is on two medications, but it's saying that he sometimes doesn't want to, or he forgets to take them. I guess that's where I come in and help him remember, but they could just get him a maid or something. Maybe he wants someone who he can bond with and have reminded him. Perhaps he's craving human interaction or physical human touch. This is so interesting to me. Why would a billionaire crave those things?
Maybe he has trouble interacting with others? I guess aaaaaaassI'll find out soon.

"And here we are,'' I looked up. And saw that we stopped in front of a dark red door. Interesting choice of color. I wonder, What was the reason behind this particular color choice. The color red is not just a color, and judging by the whole building being white, there must be a reason why they choose this door to be different. Maybe it's a reminder of the man behind it? Or simply because it's that man's favorite color. Whatever the reason is, I know it's not just random.

I smiled at her before knocking on the door, there was no answer, but it was not like I expected one. I would have pushed it open anyway, but I wanted to be polite.

I slowly pushed the door open and scanned the room. There was a small table in the middle of the room with two chairs facing each other. A man was sitting on the opposite chair. That must be my patient. How exciting! Please note the sarcasm. As I took one step into the room, he turned around, facing the door at the same time. It was as if he calculated the time someone would walk into the room. With my head held high confidently, I took small steps toward him, and the closer I got, the better I was able to see his face. Damn, I felt my breath get stuck in my throat as my eyes were met with two dark piercing blue eyes covered by long, dark thick lashes. The room was eerily quiet, and the only source of sound that was being heard was the sound of my heels clicking against the marbled floor. My eyes were glued to his face as I continued walking toward him. The blue in his eyes did nothing to hide the darkness and intensity they held. I felt uneasy under his stare as they rested on my face; his eyes quickly had me averting away from them. His long dark hair was sleeked back, exposing his perfectly sculpted face. My eyes trailed down from his sharp nose to his plump pink lips and his broad chest covered by his white dress shirt. His muscles were evident through the shirt as they flexed independently.

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