Chapter 4

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"I don't know, I just don't feel safe leaving my house right now."
I mumbled to Elena into the phone as I continue chopping the peppers.

"I don't know why you're so scared Hailey. He might have been playing some fucking mind games with you, and he doesn't even know where you live, the only place he might know about is the hospital and you haven't been here for a week. How about I come over tomorrow we can chill, binge-watch harry potter, and eat pizza" Elena assured on the other line. "you know what, I would love that. Let's have a girls' day tomorrow".

After Giovannie had pinned me against the wall and told me to go, I remember running out of the hospital, I had run 5 blocks away from there before I had finally slowed down and called my uber. When I had settled inside the car I burst out into tears as I was afraid for my life. My sobs rocked my whole body hard and I was trembling like a leaf in fear. Surprisingly the uber driver didn't even spare me a glance, which I was glad about because I didn't want anyone to see me crying. but at the same time, I was suspicious of him, you picked up a lady on the street crying, and you didn't even look at them, or ask if they were okay? that's so weird.

I didn't pay much attention to that because all I wanted was to go home and lock myself away from that psycho. After all, my house was well protected and nothing can go without my notice. As soon as someone steps 10 feet away from my house, the alarms will go off on my phone and alert me of the oncoming company.

When I got home I called Elena crying on the phone, and she was so worried that she was going to come over because I never cry. I didn't want her to come near me, I wasn't sure if Giovannie had followed me or not. After crying for god knows how long, I finally calmed down and explained to her what happened. Being the overprotective bestie that she is, she was ready to go down there and give him a piece of her mind, I had to calm her down instead, Giovannie isn't one to mess with. she had assured me that everything will be fine and as much as I wanted to believe her, I knew better, and I know what I saw. Giovannie isn't just any psycho that you meet and go. He seemed determined, and when he looked me in the eye, it left an effect on me. His eyes have been haunting me all week.

Elena calls me at least 4 times a day to make sure that everything is fine with me. And after the 4th day of being locked in my house, Giovannie started leaving my head. I wasn't being paranoid anymore but I wasn't going to take the chances of running into him. Today is the 7th day and now, I wasn't as afraid anymore, if he was going to do something to me he probably would've done it and gotten it over with already.

This morning Elena face-timed me and was talking about our vacation that we planned to go on in two weeks. We're going to Dubai, I'm excited about all the food and activities that we can do over there, while she's just excited about the camels, she is such an animal lover it's so cute. Somehow we ended up talking about rough sex. How did we get there? I have no idea, but that's what I love about her, she always takes my mind away from things. I can be free and talk with her for hours. we usually talk about 50 different topics in about 1 hour.

"Nobody likes boring gentle sex, Elena. We want to be thrown, dragged around, and choked " I looked at her over my shoulder and mumbled in a fit of laughter.

"You're crazy," she said shaking her head. I honestly haven't had some good dick in a while and my horny ass is needy. I love my toys but sometimes a girl needs the real thing in her life.

"I'm telling you, a good dick will drive you all types of crazy, it'll fuck with your head. The day someone fucks me till I pass out, girl.. just know he ain't never getting rid of me. imma be stuck on him like glue, cause there's no way I'm letting that go." I'm more of a dominant type of girl in bed, I love to ride that dick, and watching him suffer under me as I put the pussy on him brings me joy, it's something about having a man under you moaning and begging you to slow down because you're making him cum too quickly. And even after they come, I keep riding till I'm finished and satisfied.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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