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Hayleigh's Point of View

Five years, and two more kids later, which we oddly named, Roman and Romania, yes twins, who are three, I found myself sitting in the same arena, that I met my soulmate. This time though, I wasn't someone who didn't want to be there, I wasn't someone who didn't know a single wrestler, hell, I wasn't the only one person that didn't know a thing about wrestling. I am WWE's newest Diva, that is married to the World Heavyweight Champion. With lots of talking, and convincing, Roman has talked me into becoming a wrestler. He decided he didn't want me to just be a house wife, he wanted me and the kids to travel with him. Since Brock is out of jail now, he said he'd feel safer if he had all of us with him on the road. Plus. he hated seeing us only when he had time off, which we were lucky if it was once a week. But, it happens that, my debut is tonight, and I am nervous as hell. Although, I did love my attire. I got to where almost the same cargo pants as Roman, and one of his 'One Versus All' tank tops.

"Babe, you need to calm down. You're going to be fine, you're a natural," he said pulling my head into his cheat.

He was right, I knew I'd be fine emotionally, but I wasn't so sure physically.

"Emotionally yes, I know I will be fine. But, physically, not so much. What happens if I make a wrong move, and I break my leg or arm? Even worse, my neck? I can be paralyzed from the waist down, how am I supposed to take care of the kids with a...," I said rambling on, before he pressed his lips to mine.

For some reason, just one little kiss from my husband calmed me down. After the kiss ended, he smiled down at me.

"Better?" He asked, and I took a deep breath.

"Yeah," I said smiling.

"Good. We're only doing a promo tonight you know that right. No broken bones for either of us," he said smiling.

I couldn't help but feel embarrassed how scared I was just five minutes ago.

"But when you do have too fight, just be careful, and do what Seth and I taught you, and you will be just fine out there," he said smiling too.

I nodded, then he went into the bathroom, as Seth and Marie came walking in, with all the kids. Seth and Marie have two kids of there own, which they named the boy after Seth, he's two, and the girl, Marie named after me, which of course, I loved. She is only one.

"Mommy!" All the kids, mine anyway, yelled and ran up to me.

"Hey babies," I said getting on my knees.

"You go out with Daddy tonight," JoJo said smiling.

"Yes I do," I said smiling.

"Good, I was tired of seeing Uncle Seth wrestle Daddy, now I can see you kick his butt right?" Colby asked me laughing.

"Colby Anoa'i really?" Seth said looking down at him.

"Yep, I take after my Mommy and sissy," he said smiling.

"But we have the same name," Seth said scratching his head.

"Yeah, and so does cousin Colby, that don't mean anything, he's sticking his tongue out at you too," he said laughing.

I looked at Colby Lopez Jr. and sure enough, he was sticking his tongue out at his father. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Seth replied, getting his gear out.

"What's all the laughing about?" Roman asked coming out of the bathroom.

"Your wife, and kids turned my own kid against me," Seth answered laughing.

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