Chapter 4: The Battle

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Avengers Tower, the next morning

The place was still a big mess from the attack, glass still everywhere, debris on the floor and furniture tipped over. Tony was in another room deep in his thoughts. I attempted to clean what I can when I heard Ms. Hill and Mr. Rogers come out of the elevator with Ms. Hill informing him, "He's all over the globe. Robotics labs, weapons facilities, jet propulsion labs. Reports of a metal man, or men, coming in and emptying the place." she said so I decided to follow them as them and grabbed my tablet and made their way up the stairs. "Fatalities?" "Only engaged. Mostly guys left in a fugue state going on about old memories, worst fears, and "something too fast to see." We made our way to the second set of stairs. These must be The Maximoff Twins I was told about, I heard they had powers, I thought the Avengers were the only ones with powers. "Maximoffs." I say. "That makes sense he'd go after them. They have someone in common." Then I got a notification on my tablet and what I saw shocked and horrified me, it was a picture of Baron Von Strucker, dead,  with the word "Peace." inscribed on the wall made of his blood, so I showed it to Ms. Hill and let her take over, "Not anymore." she then gave it to Mr. Rogers. After a few moments, he left to get the rest of the Avengers and I then felt a vibration in my pocket, it was my phone and when I saw who was calling, I might as well prepare my grave. It was my Aunt May. I FORGOT TO CALL HER. I answer the phone with hesitation. "Ummmm, heyyy, May. Ho-how you doin'." "DON'T "HOW YOU DOIN'" ME MISTER! IT'S BEEN LIKE 2 DAYS AND YOU STILL FORGOT TO CALL, ESPECIALLY WITH WHAT? MACHINE MEN GOING AROUND?" "I can explain." "You better start then." "I am helping with an Avengers task and I was just SUPER busy with the Stark Internship." I then heard Barton call me, we were cool now, but i was still a bit upset, "Jake, we're starting! Get over here!" I'm gonna regret this. "Sorry I gotta go call you soon. Bye!" "Don't you hang up on-" I hung up knowing she'll have my head when I get back home, so I followed Barton to the lab.

When I got to the lab, everyone was already there. Mr. Rogers gave Thor the tablet, still the picture of Strucker's corpse on it. "What's this?" Tony asked, Mr. Rogers answered as Thor gently, but not too gently hit the tablet on Tony's chest, "A message. Ultron killed Strucker. "And he did a Bansky at the crime scene, just for us." "Tell me about it." Mr. Banner then came to look as well. "This is a smoke screen. Why send a message when you've just given a speech." Ms. Romanoff said, "Strucker knew something that Ultron wanted us to miss.", Mr. Rogers continued as Ms. Romanoff continued as well, "Yeah, I bet he... Yeah." She said as she checked all the files we had on Strucker on the computer. "Everything we had on Strucker's been erased." "Not everything." I said.

We went ahead to check all of the boxes that contained files of Strucker. Ultron might have taken away the digital information, but we still had hard copies. We started checking every sing box, "Known associates. Baron Strucker had a lot of friends." Tony said, "Well, these people are all horrible." Mr. Banner said, opening a file, but Tony recognized on guy on his file, pointing to it, "Wait, I know that guy." Mr. Banner then gave it to Tony to check, "From back in the day. He operates off the African coast. Black market arms." But Mr. Rogers then looked at Tony with disapproval, "There are conventions. All right? You meet people. I didn't sell him anything. He was talking about something new, a game-changer. It was very Ahab." Thor held the file and just looked at the picture of the guy, noticing something. "This." "Ah. It's a tattoo, I don't think he had it." "Those are tattoos. This is a brand.", he said, pointing to a mark on his neck. Mr. Banner then looked to see what it meant on the computer and he found it, "Oh, yeah. It's a word in African dialect meaning "thief". In a much less friendlier way." What dialect?" I asked, "Wakanada, Wa-Wa-Wakanda." I have not heard of Wakanda in my life, especially in Geography. Tony and Mr. Rogers just looked at each other, knowing the place. "If this guy got out of Wakanda with some of their trade goods." "I thought your father got the last of it." I was still very confused. "I don't follow. What comes out of Wakanda." Mr. Banner said, getting up from his chair. They then looked at Mr. Roger's shield, until Tony answered, "The strongest metal on Earth." Mr. Rogers then looked back at Tony and asked, "Where is this guy now."

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