특별 1장

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A Holiday Special

"what do we have here?" i say as i made my way to the side of her bed.

by the side of the bed next to the wall, subtle movements can be seen in a ball of blanket. it took her moments to finally pull her blanket down, gazing at me with tired eyes that seemingly remained in a trance.

"are you feeling better?"

instead of answering, she remained looking at me in a daze, squinting.

"time to take your medicine, noona," jungwon appeared in the room.

"oh, you're here, sunghoon hyung. are you spending the new year with us?"

"i missed out the previous year, so that's a yes, jungwon. how long has she been unwell?"

"i don't know exactly when she started feeling ill. i was meaning to ask you too, hyung. i figured maybe noona would tell you sooner than she would tell us, afraid of making us worry,"

"is that so? i had the gut feeling she wasn't quite well when i gave her a call last night, so i came as soon as i had time,"

"yeah, well... last night she was already down in bed with the cold. dongkyu got wind from the convenience store uncle that noona drenched herself in the rain again, rescuing a kitten,"

why does this girl often run into the rain? silly.

"is Daniel in the kitchen?"

"preparing our new year's meal, hyung. can i bother you to get noona to take her medicine? noona, come on. you're already sick and it's the end of the year,"

"that's what i'm here for. you should go finish what you were just doing," i've noticed there were cookie crumbs on the sides of his mouth.

"well, umm, thanks, hyung. i'm trying to make an oreo cake as noona taught me. i'm going!" he zoomed out of the room and into the kitchen.

"and you..."

eunhye was out of her trance, but she wasn't talking; nor did she appear to have any plans on getting up.

i sighed. i left her bed and stood up right beside it, extending both my arms outwards towards her.

"your palms on mine," i say.

she gazed at me for a good five seconds before doing as i said like an obedient child. i pulled her up, making sure it wasn't sudden.

the medicine was on her bedside table as well as an untouched glass of water.

"you didn't drink your water,"

"i was sleeping," hoarseness was evident in her voice.

"make sure to drink lots, okay? here's your medicine,"

i successfully made her take her medicine within just minutes. the untouched glass of water was also emptied. she momentarily ousted me out of her room to change, complaining that she's not in a pleasant state to welcome me. i really did not mind. she's sick and it's understandable. besides, what kind of a man am i to care about appearances in front of her?

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