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"what?!" my voice was raised, indicating my surprise.

"yeah, eunhye. sunghoon didn't come to school today, said he's ill and resting at home," jay confirms what i have heard from jake earlier.

i came to school today to settle my transactions and get cleared for this semester. because the final exam was done weeks prior today, it simply meant that spring vacation was coming.

the crew met me at our usual table, but i was disappointed to see one missing person. i, of course, had to act jubilant despite the dejected feeling welling up inside me. we were casually chatting when jake revealed the reason sunghoon was nowhere in sight today ㅡ he was sick.

i am perfectly certain the guy had caught my illness whilst taking care of me yesterday. at first, i really did feel hesitant about having him nurse me to relief because  colds are quite transmittable. however, seeing how earnest and stubborn he was, i let him be until i forgot about my worry. at the back of my mind, i assumed he had strong immunity so i wouldn't feel guilty about the entire ordeal yesterday.

now, i feel absolutely definitely totally guilty.

a downward curve was etched on my lips.

"hey, don't worry. the guy will get well in no time," heeseung oppa tried to console me.

"right. a mere cold won't bring that guy down," jake supported.

"it's not that i'm worrying or anything..." the guys raised their brows at me. "fine, i'm worried. alright? but above that i feel quite guilty right now,"

"why feel guilty? it's not like you're the one who transmitted the diseaseㅡ"

"that's the case. i suspect sunghoon had caught the cold after taking care of me yesterday," i frowned again.

"you? wait... he went to your place?"


"without telling us?"

"huh? what are you, his tail?"

"sorry about jake, eunhye. he insists on his jakehoon agenda," jay shook his head disapprovingly.

"hey! i can feel it on a spiritual level. jakehoon will stay winning, not even sunghye can beat us," jake proudly smiled as he puffed his chest out.

"here he goes again," i looked at heeseung oppa who shook his head in disbelief as he muttered those words.

'sunghye?' i thought.

"i...didn't know you were psychic, jake."

"he's not, eunhye. i am the psychic one." jay countered.

"you're far from being one, scaredy-cat. you're more like... prophetic, yeah," jake stuck his tongue out at jay.


"it's true. jay has some crazy prophetic tendencies. one time, he foretold himself failing a test and acing the next one happening three weeks from that day," heeseung oppa foretold.

"wow, cool,"

"i know i'm cool, eunhye, but thanks for mentioning it," jay was the one with a proud smile on his face this time.

oh, the pride.

"wait, guys, where has our topic gone? we were initially talking about sunghoon," i said, interrupting any further topics.

"is sunghoon all you talk about, eunhye? you took him away from me," jake was pouting like a duck.

"excuse me, what?"

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