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"wonnie, i'm heading out for groceries! i left brunch for the two of you. you both better eat it, alright?" i told jungwon who sat on the living room's couch, seemingly stuck in his reverie.

it was sunday again which simply meant i have to go shop for necessities again. due to the fun and excitement i experienced at the amusement park yesterday, i almost forgot that it's sunday already. had i not foraged the fridge, i would still be reposing on either  the couch or my bed.

jungwon had just appeared in the living room when i was getting ready to leave. he was just staring into oblivion, probably rebooting his mind and body for today. despite the doubt that jungwon might not have processed and understood my words, i went on with telling him. dongkyu was nowhere in sight, perhaps we was still snuggled in his blankets, wandering in dreamland.

"noona..." jungwon muttered, eyes still blanked out.



as expected, jungwon prioritized his oreos over anything else. judging by the way he was able to tell me his request, his mind must've been booting well.

"alright. take care of the house. i'm going now!"

the mart is overflowing with customers. the moment i stepped inside the place, there were people in almost every corner and both baskets and carts were in every aisle. i pushed my way into the volume of people and managed to acquire the goods reserved for the coming week's consumption. because there were a ton of people inside, long queues were a sight at the counters. it took me more than an hour before i was able to pay for my groceries and exit the establishment.

i was sweating profusely due to the density of people and the total body heat accumulated in the place. thankfully, i did not stay there longer else my clothes will end up soaking wet.

when i was outside of the mart, i spotted a familiar person in the distance. it was the eommeoni, otherwise known as sunghoon's mother, and it looked like she was struggling with her groceries.

i came closer to offer my assistance to the lady. the moment i was a few steps away from her, the large paperbag containing her groceries tore apart and the goods started rolling to the floor. i didn't hesitate to pick the things up instantly.

"oh, dear, i'm sorry for the botheㅡ oh, eunhye dear! i apologize for inconveniencing you,"

"no need to worry, eommeoni. i'm glad to be of assistance. besides, i'm not in a rush today,"

"still, i feel bad for troubling you. it was foolish of me to leave the house without bringing my grocery bag. now i have nothing else to put some of the goods inside the torn paper bag," she sighed.

i looked at my canvass bag.

"if you don't mind, you can put some of those in my bag. i happened to bring a bigger one and there's just a handful of things in here,"

"is it really alright, dear?"

"of course, eommeoni. here, let me help you," together we loaded a portion of her groceries in my bag.

"but, eunhye, walking with me towards our place is a different thing,"

"i live near your block, eommeoni. i don't have a lot to do today. why did you shop by yourself today, eommeoni?" i asked as she and i started walking to our destination.

"well, my husband is out of town for work. yeji is currently out for a school project and my eldest son's sleeping in, i believe,"

i nodded my head in understanding.

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