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"𝗟𝗘𝗧𝗦 𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗠 𝗔 𝗕𝗔𝗡𝗗" Arabella says as she enters her apartment that she shares with her bestfriend, Marlene.

"No, why would we do that?" Marlene replies.

"There's a band competition and the winner gets ten thousand dollars."

"Ooh now i'm listening." Marlene pauses, "But we need more people. I mean I can play electric guitar and you can sing, but we need more then that."

"You're right." Arabella starts pacing around the living room while biting her nail. "We could post flyers and see if anyone wants to try out I guess?"

"Sure why not." Marlene shrugs.

Arabella smiles and claps her hands. "Perfect."

The next day, you could find Marlene and Arabella putting up flyers in their local shops. 

"Hello." A lady behind the counter of their local coffee shop says as they walk through the door.

"Hello." Arabella politely responds with a smile.

The two continue what they were doing and put up a flyer.

"You guys are creating a band?" The woman asks.

"Yeah, it's for a contest. Were you interested?" Arabella says.

"If you need a drummer then yeah."

Marlene smiles. "That's exactly what we need."

"Cool, well then, I'm Mary."

They all exchanged numbers and soon enough, there were three in the band now.

Since Arabella created the posters, (Marlene couldn't be trusted to, she wanted to write: "join our band fuckers or die." and Arabella wanted to be a little nicer) her phone number was on them. She had gotten about fifteen texts from people.

"Ooh what about this one, his name is Evan and he's a bassist. I looked him up and he's pretty good."

"No." Marlene shakes her head. "Girls only."

Arabella sighs, "Well that cuts out options down to six. There's Lily Evans, she's a guitarist-"

"What type?"

"She said she can do any." Marlene nods and motions for Arabella to continue. "There's Ella Riel, she can play piano. Masie Holt can also play piano, oh as well as Dina Asterie."

"No piano, we need to be a rock band ya'know? We'll be so hot."

Arabella laughs. "And finally theres Dorcas Meadows, she's a bassist."

"That leaves us with Lily and Dorcas only then."

"Eh that's not bad, I'll reach out to them and create a group chat, then we can all meet up for coffee to discuss our band." At the word 'band' Arabella wiggled her eyebrows at Marlene.

Marlene laughed and they bid eachother goodnight.

"𝗟𝗘𝗧𝗦 𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗦 𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗦𝗧!" James exclaims as his band mates enter his garage, where they practice.

Sirius and Remus look at eachother with a questioning glance.

"We go, preform in front of judges and you can win ten thousand dollars."

"That sounds nice James." Remus says.

"Yeah, I mean it won't hurt us to try it." Regulus agrees.

James grinned like the Cheshire Cat. "Yes! Then let's get to work!"

The band, the marauders as they called themselves, already had many songs written and just needed to perfect them for the competition. Regulus was their main songwriter.

"I think we should preform 'Fluorescent Adolescent' as our first song, it shows off our talents well." Peter says to his fellow band mates.

Everyone nods and they began practicing for hours.

Sirius and James went to get coffee the next day.

"I feel like the competition will be good for us." Sirius says. "Give is a chance to show ourselves."

James nods in agreement as they go to order before sitting down at a table.

In a few minutes the waitress comes out with their coffees.

"Here's the iced tea and the black coffee." She says, her name tag says 'Mary'.

"Thank you, Mary." Sirius says while winking at her. She smiles bashfully and walks off.

James roll his eyes. "Can you stop flirting with everything that lives?"

Sirius now winks at him before taking a drink of his iced coffee, "No can do Jamesie-poo,"

James just shakes his head while following Sirius' actions and taking a sip of his coffee.

don't know how much i love this, this chapter was mainly about introducing characters and getting a feel for how the bands are.

Also if i get guitar/band terminology wrong please tell me, i am infact not a band kid but a choir kid who literally only knows choir terminology and almost nothing about instruments.

florescent adolescent - arctic monkeys

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