It feels like my heart's been ripped out

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"This is my house!" Isamu exclaimed. It was a cold, sunny afternoon in Yokohama. Fuyuko Ogawa was a freshman, and was friends with Isamu Uchiumi, who was a grade older than her. Fuyuko's nostrils were gently caressed with the scent of pumpkin spice candles, as she walked into her friend's house. 

In the kitchen, sitting down, was Isamu's older brother, Senzai Uchiumi. Other than casual conversations, Fuyuko never grew a bond with Senzai like she did with Isamu, so she didn't feel the devastation Isamu felt getting that phone call. The one that broke him.

"W-We're terribly sorry for your loss, Uchiumi.." The man on the other phone stammered, his voice filled with sympathy. Isamu wanted to scream, to scream at the innocent man on the other line. That man was lying to him. Senzai wasn't dead, no, he couldn't be. 

Without control over his own actions, his mind a blur, Isamu started up his car, driving to a local marina, and getting into a boat. He arrived to Aogashima, and immediately got off the boat, running towards the sound of police sirens and red and blue lights. Isamu ran, before getting stopped by a police officer. "Sir.. this areas is off l-" That police officer was disrupted by another police officer, who allowed Isamu to run. "Hey.. that guy's our pathologist, and that's his brother.."

Everything stopped in time, as the scene unfolded for him. Senzai Uchiumi. On the ground. Lifeless

Isamu heard nothing but the ringing in his ears, his eyes couldn't cry, no matter how much they wanted to. Isamu couldn't cry, so he just screamed. He dropped to his knees, his hands holding his face, and screamed. He screamed until his voice left. He felt broken, like he was a piece of paper which had been ripped apart.

After screaming his heart out, he couldn't breathe. He tried to inhale as much as he could, but trying to breathe in now only felt like trying to breathe underwater. "How do you.. breathe again?" He thought to himself, before passing out.

Months later, Isamu now on the beginning of the path to recovery, he found himself in his empty office, late at night, hovering over his brother's dead corpse. Earlier today, he had performed an autopsy on him. 

"I'm sorry.. Senzai.." Isamu teared up a little, before mentally scolding himself, and sucking it up. "I-I wish I had a little more time.. t-to tell you my regre-" Isamu was interrupted by the faint sound of a familiar whimpering. Fuyuko Ogawa. He turned around, his eyes met with the short woman with bangs that covered her eyes. 

"I-Isamu.." She whimpered his name. Isamu's eyes softened a little. "Fuyuko.. it's late.. what are you doing here?" Isamu asked in an almost parental way. "I forgot.. a b-book.." Fuyuko peered a little more into the room.

"Ah.. I see.." Isamu said. "..Hey.. Fuyuko.." Isamu looked at Fuyuko with a more serious face. "..W-Wah..?"Fuyuko peered more. "..I'm going to find out how Senzai died." Isamu exclaimed. Fuyuko's eyes widened under her bangs. "R-Really..?" Fuyuko whimpered. Isamu nodded.

"I don't care if I don't have my investigation team. I'm ready to go back to Aogashima." Isamu looked to the map on a whiteboard. "..I-I want to c-come with you.." Fuyuko stammered, catching Isamu's attention. "Are you sure?" Isamu asked. Fuyuko nodded.


The two found themselves in the same boat Isamu drived to Aogashima. The boat sped across the water, the moon shining bright in the sky. "The moon looks a little weird tonight.." Isamu thought to himself. 

Suddenly, a low grumble escaped from the water. A large, humanoid creature emerging. Isamu and Fuyuko let out an almost synchronized gasp, as the creature roared, before slapping the boat, knocking the two unconscious. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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