Underage Heroes need to wear a Jacket

42 0 0

Title: Safeguard

After the public death of a superhuman 15 year old, teenage superheroes are forced to wear government-issued clothing that marks them as underage.
Or; Peter is backed into a corner, Tony Stark grows increasingly frustrated, and New York protects their own.

Peter focusses on the pedestrians, on their whispering and pointing. At Peter. At his blue Regulation Jacket, in the middle of Times Square, blown up to epic proportions on the huge towering screens.


"Oh," Peter says, dumbly. "Oh no."

I stan Stan the Hot Dog Man.

Ratings: underage Heroes

Pairings: Spiderman & New York, Peter & May

Chapters: 1/1


Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/4262046

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