Title: It's not easy to kidnap Spiderman (or Peter Parker)
There are so, S.O., many fanfics that have normal, human, non-enhanced criminals successfully kidnapping Peter Parker. And I may have ranted about how people always noob Peter down too much, but it just baffles me every time.
And you can of course always make the argument that Peter isn't willing to risk his secret identity, but that doesn't mean he can't use a fraction of his abilities to incapacitate his kidnappers and get away.
So, keeping that in mind, I wrote a little crack piece.
By the by, Tony hasn't sold the Tower and I am completely and blissfully ignoring Infinity War. Thanos can chuck himself into a freaking volcano.Tony is an absolute Helicopter Parent
Pairings: Peter & Tony
Chapters: 2/2
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17742308/chapters/41860139
Peter Parker-centric fic recs
FanfictionThe best Peter-centric fics, because Peter's an literal angel.