Senior year was going great although it was becoming hard to go out on dates with Leo due to all of the studying we've been having to do for finals (GCSE's). That and I'm part of the yearbook comittee and prom comittee so I have a lot of work to do. It's May so we only have this month and some days next month to get it all done. Then we have graduation and we have to apply to all of our collages. We're all under a lot of pressure. I occasionally get to hang out with Leo but that's only if we're studying together. It's ok though because our last test is Friday and then I only have prom and the yearbook to worry about. I just thought , I don't even have a date to prom! I know I'm Leo's girlfriend but it would still be nice for him to ask me. I've always dreamed of being asked to prom since I was a little girl. This year it might happen to me.
"Explain question one for me" I said to Leo. I was helping him study his maths and I find that one way that can help you study is explaining it to somebody else. It helps you because you have to understand it to explain it. That's what I was getting Leo to do. We were on pythagoras theorem.
"Well A squared + B squared = C squared" said Leo "So that means 8 squared + 3 squared = C squared"
"And that is?" I asked.
"64 + 9" said Leo "That is 73 , is 73 the answer?"
"No because you have to square route it" I explained.
"So it is" said Leo as he typed numbers into his calculator "8.54"
"8.54 what?" I asked.
"8.54cm" confirmed Leo.
"I think you've got that down" I said happily (how to get that answer is in the pic above) "What shall we work on next? How about simultanious equations?"
"Can we not do work for one second please? I have to ask you something" said Leo. I put down my pen and gave him my full attention.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Ok so I know you're my girlfriend so I didn't think I needed to ask this question but I was talking to Sean the other day and he told me about how much you used to obsess over being asked to prom" he started. Oh great. He'd been talking to Sean. That can't be good.
"I didn't obsess , I got just as excited as the next person" I explained.
"Ok , will you go to the prom with me?" he asked.
"No" I said.
"No? What? What are you talking about? I'm your boyfriend" said Leo.
"Leo , I'm joking , of course I'll go with you" I said laughing. Me and Leo then shared a really good kiss and we continued to study.