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-This will be resolved until midnight, don't worry-He assured on the phone

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-This will be resolved until midnight, don't worry-He assured on the phone.- What?- Rowan looked at the TV.

"Someone, similar to the well known Ronin, was seen in New York City, after saving a dog at the street. People rumor that this might be the return of the justicer" the woman of the news announced serious.

The images showed a person hugging a dog in the middle of the street, then running away in sign of danger.

Rowan was in his apartment, sitting in his chair on his office, speaking on the phone.

-Sorry, I was watching the news.-He replied as someone spoke-Yes, do you think it's him?-The person replied- Understood. Farewell.

He turned off the device and looked at the busy New York outside, many cars in an increased speed, people walking, noise everywhere, living, thriving.

-Ronin's back, huh?-He muttered.


-So what's the plan now? Let me guess. We're going to your safe house?-Kate asked as both her and Clint ran through the streets.

It was still the night of the same day, the suit with them, a dog behine, running away from the enemies.

-I don't have a safe house-Clint replied annoyed.

-The Avengers tower then?

-It was sold.

-What? That's...sad.

-Wait here.-He entered the market-Don't run.

-Fiiine.-She rolled her eyes.

Clint was buying some stuff to use as supplies while Kate stood there, waiting by the entrance, staring as the sky full of stars as the snow fell, coldly and delicately on her nose.

Rowan just left his apartment to get some fresh air, and, to his surprise, saw her there. Just her image made him smile, how she seemed happy just by watching the snow, a pure, beautiful sight. She was the same as always.

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