3 Frustration NSFW (Part 2)

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Hello people! I wish you all an amazing New Year's Eve and all the best for 2022!

Here's part two of this imagine, hope you like it. I already received some requests, will get down to them in the same order in which I received them. I'm starting a new job on Monday as well so if it takes a while for me to write your request please don't be mad, I will do so, I promise!

Requests are still open, if you have an idea for an imagine with Andrew Garfield (or Tom Hiddleston as I started another story with imagines with him) let me know!

!English is not my first language!


It feels like an eternity until the work is finally done. You are done a little earlier than Andrew, already took a shower and currently wait for your boyfriend to get ready as well.

You are not really in the mood to join into any conversation going on around you, therefore your phone is what keeps you busy until Andrew appears. Good thing really, that you have the possibility to shower here, especially for Andrew since he sweated a lot while filming.

He smiles at you when he approaches  and places a soft kiss on your cheek. „Ready to go?" He asks, his voice soft but you can see the mischievous glow in his eyes. If he just knew how impatient you actually are to finally leave this place and get home.

Quickly you say goodbye to your colleagues, at least the ones you see now, before you leave.

It is already a relief to finally sit in the back of the car that would bring you home.

Desperately you try to keep your head off of what the two of you would do as soon as you would enter the flat. You stare out of the window, are so focused on the streetlights that pass the window quickly, that Andrew's voice startles you a little. „You really did not make it easy for me, today y/n." He states. You look at him with a played shocked expression. „Me? What am I supposed to say? You left me hanging this morning, because you couldn't sacrifice a few more seconds!" Playfully you slap his arm. Or at least you try to, Andrew catches your wrist before you can actually hit him. „Ow, spidey senses, innit?" You smirk, but it turns into a smile when Andrew entwines your fingers and takes your hand into his. „No spidey senses are needed to know what you are up to." Andrew laughs. „I know you well enough by now, woman."

Again you pull a shocked face. „You did not just call me, ‚woman', did you?!" You call out outraged. „We are going to talk about that, Garfield!" Threateningly you point your index finger on him, but Andrew just laughs. „Okay, okay, you won. Could you maybe not just call me Garfield?"

„Well who knew that a simple thing like your last name is the best weapon to use against you." With a very satisfied grin you lean back in your seat and look out the window again.

It's a 20 minute ride home. Andrew gets out of the car first and goes around it to open the door for you. He even holds his hand out to you to help you out of the car. With a smile you take his hand. „What a gentleman you are Mister Garfield." You smirk and kick the car door closed behind you. „Anything for my girl." Andrew smiles and hand in hand you two walk towards the house you live in.

Andrew opens the door to the building and you two wait for the elevator to take you two up to his penthouse. It's 23 floors high and in the elevator already Andrew doesn't waste time anymore. He grabs you by the hips and pulls you close with so much energy that you bump into him, but before you can even process that, his lips are already on yours.

He kisses you the way he wanted to kiss you the whole day. Forcefully, heated, lustful. Without hesitation he pushes his tongue between your lips and you open obediently, allow his tongue inside and let out a silent moan. You completely succumb to him, melt in his hands like snow in the sun.

Andrew Garfield ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now