5 Sick (fluff)

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This was a request!
Y/n is terribly sick and she's also pregnant. Andrew as loving boyfriend takes care of her.

Hope you like it!

!English is not my first language!


„Y/n? Are you still in bed? It's really time to get up now." Andrew entered the bedroom. He had already been shopping for groceries and had done some household to let you sleep a bit more.
He knew that you often had sleepless nights, the pregnancy took a toll on you, especially at night, often you had troubles to fall asleep, because with the baby bump there weren't many positions you could still sleep in.
However something was off with you sleeping this long. It was far past noon, usually you would be up by 11.

Today you just felt absolutely miserable. Your head felt like it would just explode any second, your throat was on fire and you couldn't even move an inch without feeling dizzy.
You weren't asleep when Andrew entered, but you didn't dare to open your eyes either, the light in the room hurt your eyes. You had already tried that out earlier. With your eyes closed your other senses sharpened, therefore you could hear his steps come closer and a few seconds later the mattress gave in next to you as Andrew sat down on the edge of the bed.
„Y/n?" He asked again, your breath gave away that you weren't asleep, it was too fast and irregular for that, but that you didn't react worried him you could hear that in his voice.

„Don't feel well." You managed to whisper, your voice just as weak as you felt, and now made an attempt to blink your eyes open. Your vision was blurry at first but you could make out Andrew's silhouette and as your view cleared up also the worried expression on his face. „Are you sick?" He asked quite a useless question. He had observed you quite well, your cheeks were flushed but at the same time you looked quite pale, your hair sticked to your forehead from sweat and your voice was hoarse. Now that he could also look into your eyes he could see how glassy they were. You were very obviously sick.
„You don't look well, either, love." He said softly. If you would feel slightly better you would make a joke about that being rude, but right now you didn't at all feel like joking.
Suddenly you felt a cold hand on your forehead, then on your cheek. It was Andrew feeling your temperature. His hands were probably not even cold, but on your burning skin they felt like ice cubes. „God y/n you're scorching hot. I'll get a thermometer."
„And some pain killers!" You tried to call after him as he already left the room, but your voice was so weak and hoarse that you weren't even sure he heard it.
Andrew was back within a few seconds, but by the time he re-entered the bedroom you had already drifted off again. The fever was so high you didn't manage to stay awake for long, but also never really fell asleep. It was this weird state between being awake and asleep in which somehow you notice everything going on around you but at the same time do not really remember anything once you woke up completely.

It was all foggy, Andrew guided you through the fever measure, told you to open your mouth, placed the thermometer under your tongue and pulled it back once it was done measuring. It was very high. Andrew knew that if it would rise further it could get dangerous both for you and for the baby. „I can't give you any pills, my love. Not without consulting a doctor, you know that." He explained softly. It was true, your pregnancy was a bit problematic, you were not supposed to take any medicine without asking a doctor beforehand. Still the fever had to be lowered.
Again Andrew disappeared, you heard sounds coming from the bathroom.
The next thing you knew - apparently you had drifted off for a few seconds again - you were freezing cold.
The blanket had been pulled away by Andrew and you just wore a night gown. The baby bump made pj's very uncomfortable so you didn't wear them anymore for quite a while already.

Lazily you blinked your eyes open again, fixing Andrew and his doings. He gave you a soothing smile. „I'm going to make you cool calf compresses to lower your fever." He explained to you which was a good thing, because even though you expected it, the cold startled you.
Somehow this took you back in time, reminded you of how your mother always did this for you when you had a fever and the memory made you smile. Subconsciously one of your hands stroked of your baby bump. Soon you were going to be a mother too. You couldn't wait for this little wonderful creature to be born so you could hold it in your arms. You didn't know if it was a boy or girl, Andrew and you both had agreed to get surprised. But for sure was that you were going to love your baby more than anything, because it was the outcome of yours and Andrew's love.
„Andrew?" You asked silently, looking at the man who by now sat on the edge of the bed again. As you called his name he looked at you.
„Is the baby going to be okay?" You asked, suddenly scared. You had taken good care of yourself during the pregnancy had never done anything to put yourself or the baby in danger. Just two more month until you were due and now you had to get sick. Just great.
Internally you knew it wasn't your fault, but considering that you had quite a problematic pregnancy this scared you.

Your boyfriend gently placed his hand on yours on your belly. „The baby is going to be fine. Both of you are going to be fine. I'm going to take good care of you, okay? And if it gets any worse we'll get you to a doctor."
You sighed. „Today is Sunday."
„I don't care. Even if I'd have to call an ambulance in the middle of the night... I would never risk to lose one of you." Slowly Andrew leaned down and placed a kiss on your clothed belly.
„You are the loves of my life. And if anything ever happened to you I could never forgive myself for that. With me your safe. I'll protect you both at all costs."
You smiled and tears burned in your eyes. The hormones made you much more emotional and Andrew's words touched you deeply.
„I love you so much." You whispered, barely resisting the need to kiss him, but you didn't need to get him sick as well.
„I love you too." Andrew smiled and leaned forward, placing a kiss on your burning forehead. It was still risky to kiss you on the forehead, but less risky than an actual kiss. And by all means, Andrew was not going to restrain from kissing you at least on the forehead.

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