6 Solo NSFW

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*The one in which Andrew touches himself to thoughts of y/n*

Guys! This is something a little different. Maybe it's just me, but I find the idea of Andrew touching himself quite hot. Actually I wouldn't mind watching him for once, just to see how he does it. *innocent whistling*

So I decided to write a story about it! I hope you enjoy it!

!English is not my first language!


With a sigh Andrew let himself fall onto the bed, his legs dangling over the edge, and stared at the ceiling. This sucked. This sucked so much.

For a few weeks already was he in New York to shoot a movie while you were at home in the UK. That meant for several weeks he hadn't seen you, hadn't been able to hold you in his arms, to kiss you and he missed it terribly. His heart ached to have you near and FaceTiming here and there just wasn't enough anymore. He needed you, mentally and physically. You had tried to get down to some naughty business on the phone, but that wasn't your cup of tea, somehow it was just awkward and not at all sexy. But also time zones really sucked. By the time Andrew got back to his hotel room most of the days you were already asleep or about to go to sleep. Some days you waited until he called you to at least speak to him for a bit, but you had to go to work early the next day so you just couldn't stay up all night.

It was frustrating Andrew to hell, especially on days like today. Nothing had worked out the way it was supposed to. So many things went wrong on set and in general his mood really wasn't the best. It would just need you in his arms, a few kisses and the world would be okay again.

Andrew closed his eyes, he imagined you there with him. How your warm body next to him would feel, how it would feel to stroke through your hair while he told you about his day and just let off the pent up bad mood.

He could almost feel your breath on his neck when he imagined how you would lean in to distract him a little with soft kisses all over his neck. It was his weak spot and you knew that very well. A few kisses there and Andrew was on his knees. He had the feeling of your lips memorized, could tell exactly how good it would feel now, almost felt it, even though you weren't even there. He sighed. God, he needed your proximity so badly. His heart ached for you, his body craved you.

One of his hands gripped on his own hair as he imagined you taking it further. The kisses would not be limited to only his neck. Soon you would undo the first button of his white shirt and place tentative kisses - interrupted by small licks of your tongue - all over the revealed skin of his chest. Andrew knew exactly how good it would feel, he knew it would soon erase the bad thoughts of the day, nothing would be left in his brain except you and what you made him feel.

The more he thought about it the more did he leave reality, he got lost completely in his thoughts, could see it behind his closed lids, could almost feel it if he really focused on it. By now you would kneel next to him, leaned over his upper body. His shirt would soon be completely unbuttoned, but you wouldn't take it off, you would just push it to the side, reveal his perfectly shaped upper body, the muscular belly and the rosy nipples that were so sensitive to any kind of touch.

Of course you wouldn't be his girlfriend if you wouldn't take advantage of all his weak spots. So soon he would be able to feel your lips close around one of his nipples. He would moan your name, bury one hand in your hair and slightly arch his back off the mattress to press more against your mouth.

You would suck and it would feel amazing, send shivers down his spine and tingles to his already stiffening dick.

Andrew swallowed and opened his eyes. Not only in his fantasy was he getting hard. In reality there as well was an apparent bulge in his dark blue jeans. It was almost embarrassing to get hard this quickly from nothing but a fantasy. He hadn't even touched himself, but that just showed how starved he was. Due to the filming all day he often was just too tired and went straight to bed on the days he didn't talk to you. He rarely orgasmed the past few weeks and it showed. He got turned on so easily, by the littlest things, such as just the fantasy of his girlfriend touching and kissing his body.

A part of him didn't want to do it without you. Wanted to wait until the two of you were together again to be able to take all the pent up lust out on you, but another - very specific - part of him wanted something completely different.

And if Andrew was honest to himself that part definitely had the better arguments right now.

It throbbed and pulsated in his pants, needy and demanding attention, and Andrew was not sure if he was strong enough to resist.

Slowly one of his hands sneaked down to the bulge in his pants and his dick twitched the closer his hand came, until he palmed himself through his pants, groaning at the feeling.

Subconsciously he lifted his hips, pressed his erection firmer against his hand and his eyes fell closed again. God, it felt so good. Somewhat wrong to do it without you, but then again... you weren't there and his balls desperately needed release.

It took Andrew just a few more seconds of rubbing himself through his pants until his decision was pretty much clear.
No matter how, he needed to cum. Both his hands were required to quickly open his pants and pull them down along with his underwear. Just enough to let his cock spring free which snapped back against his clothed belly. The precum was already beading at the tip, making it glisten slightly and when his hand reached down to wrap around his hard shaft he couldn't help but buck his hips upwards, thrusting into his hand.

It was about 2 weeks ago that he last came so he didn't even expect himself to last long.

Slowly he started to rub himself, the image of you formed in his mind again. You not kneeling next to him anymore, but in front of the bed, between his spread legs.

Out of instinct Andrew in reality spread his legs a little wider as well. You would fit in the gap perfectly. It was as if he could even feel your hands on his knees. You'd support yourself like that when you would lean in to lick a stripe from his base to his tip.

Andrew's dick twitched in his hand and he groaned, gliding his thumb over his tip at the same time as he thought about you doing exactly that with your tongue. „Y/n." He moaned silently, without even noticing. You weren't there and still you were the one making him feel so incredibly good. „Fuck!" His hand quickened and he tightened his grip. He knew he couldn't prolong this for much longer, his balls already drew up to his body and a familiar pressure started to build in his lower abdomen.

With his free hand Andrew somehow managed to open the first two buttons of his shirt. It surprised him that he still managed to do that, because after all he was very preoccupied with other things.

As soon as he had access to his chest he immediately pushed his hand under the fabric of his shirt to find one of his nipples and pinch it. A loud groan ripped up his throat and his hips bucked on their own record.

Again Andrew let out your name with a breathy moan. In his mind it was you sucking him off so damn good, your hand jerking the rest of him.

His whole body was tensed up now. The muscles in his lower abdomen and thighs twitched as he pushed himself closer and closer to the edge.

Just another pinch of his nipple made him tip over the edge.

„Y/n!" He moaned so loudly it was almost a scream. His cock twitched and send thick streaks of white cum all over his white shirt. He couldn't be bothered to care at this point. The orgasm felt so good, it shook him to the core and left him completely limp once it subsided.

Andrew could fall asleep on the spot, but he knew better than that. He still lied on the bed with his knees bend and feet on the floor, it wouldn't be all too comfortable to fall asleep like this, let alone the mess he had just made.

So... lazily he got up to sort himself out and then go to sleep properly.

Andrew Garfield ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now