9 Sexual Tension (ft. Tom Hiddleston) P1

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Hello people!

Yes I'm alive and I'm back with a new story! This is gonna have two, maybe three parts, I'll see.

This first part is not overly NSFW yet but don't you worry, I've got you. It's gonna get smuttier. 😏

So what's the storyline?

You're married to Tom Hiddleston who's the sweetest, loveliest man you could imagine. There's just one problem: The man you're shooting tick, tick, boom... with is none other than Andrew Garfield. And he's sexy. You feel a certain tension immediately... and he feels it too. Now what will happen? 😉

!English is not my first language!


Today you woke up extremely nervous. „We're gonna do the kissing scene today." you let Tom know during breakfast. „I'm a bit scared."
„Because... Kissing another man seems such a wrong thing to do." You sighed. „And I'm scared I'm gonna like it." Your husband smiled softly. „Kissing other people is part of the job as well as liking it is." he said.

„You know... the trick is not to never like other people but to stay loyal. It's not that I detest every kiss I share with somebody else than you. I love you and you are the only one for me, but I allow myself to enjoy a kiss I share with a pretty girl on camera or on stage. Honestly, otherwise that would show in the way I do it and effect my acting which I don't want. Kissing is a wonderful thing. So just go to work, enjoy yourself, enjoy the scene, as long as you come home to me, knowing that in my arms is where you belong, I'm totally fine."
Tom's little monologue made you smile. „I know where I belong. I know my place." You assured for him but also for yourself.

After all it also wasn't the only kissing scene in the movie. You had to kiss Andrew a few more times. But this one was the heavy making out which was a challenge for sure. And also the first kissing scene of all those you shared that was going to be filmed. But maybe that was good. Maybe that would help to be more relaxed in the other ones.

As every day Tom brought you to work, kissed you goodbye and then left you to your own devices.

You entered the building nervously for the first time since the first day.

Oh dear what was this going to be?

Once you closed the door of your dressing room behind you, you grabbed your script to read through the scene again. And again. And again.

It just took an hour until the dressers started getting everybody ready for shooting.

Your makeup was one that didn't take SO long so you were good to go a bit later. Got dressed for the scene and went on set. Andrew wasn't there yet, but the director already gave some instructions and advice on how to do it while waiting.

Just a few minutes later Andrew appeared and you couldn't help but stare. Eyes widened. WHY did he have to look so stunning for a scene like this?
You loved Tom, Tom was the only one you wanted to be with, but god, Andrew was hot, denying that was impossible. And even though you would never cheat on Tom you had to admit that now the nervousness faded and instead you kinda... looked forward to this. Of course with all the light, people and cameras around you it wasn't really a sexy experience but then again... this man was pure sexiness after all.

He smiled. „Hi. You ready for the shoot today?"

„Not that much. But I'm sure I'll get through it." A nervous chuckle ripped up your throat.

„Is kissing me such a horrible thing to imagine?" Andrew joked to loosen up the situation and you thanked god for having him as your shooting parnter. „Of course. What do you think?" you joined into the joking, earning an offended ‚tsk' from Andrew who pretended to throw long hair - that he didn't have - behind his head and walked away.

The director called everybody together, gave some instructions and everybody got in their positions. For the scene you had to lie on your back, legs put up on the bed, slightly spread for Andrew to kneel between them. That was the start position.

„Action!" Was the sign for you to start acting.

Andrew got rid of his suspenders with a swift movement, before he leaned forward and crashed your lips together. And in that moment you knew this was more of a challenge than you had expected. You still had lines to remember, but the way Andrew kissed you and panted into the kiss for a moment made your brain go totally blank. With closed eyes you kissed him back with the same passion, always reminding yourself of where you were, how many people were surrounding you and that there were cameras... but the tiny spark of excitement that rushed through your body was impossible to ignore. Oh shit.

Think of your lines, something disgusting, Tom... think of Tom... don't get aroused by kissing another man!

„You know the job I told you about?" You panted into the kiss, the line you were supposed to say. „I applied for it. I got it." Andrew withdrew from your mouth and instead started kissing your thigh. The touch was incredibly intense through the very thin fabric of the stocking and your breath got stuck in your throat for a moment. Andrew's answer was just a „Mhm?" As he started working on the straps connecting your stocking with the underwear. You prayed to some god up there that Andrew wouldn't notice anything of the arousal you felt, he was so close to that part of your body.

However... Andrew did... he could smell your arousal and it made his own blood boil. ‚

God damnit, Andrew! This girl is married!' He thought to himself. Gladly he also had some lines to say.

Once again he smashed his lips on yours, but this time just for a short kiss. „So is it only for the summer?" He asked breathlessly, kissing you in between the lines.

„No it's permanent." You panted and with that it was over as Andrew sat up, his character supposed to be too thoughtful to continue making out now.

„CUT!" A voice broke the tension. „Stay like that. I've got just a few things." Both of you were still panting, cheeks lightly flushed. You tried to pretend that that was just the effort you had put into the scene, but you couldn't deny the excitement you felt and Andrew still kneeling between your legs wasn't making that better.

After listening closely to what the director said you.... Did it again. And again. And even a fourth time, because for some reason something never sat right with the crew.

A lot of time was spend with that scene, sometimes the whole thing had to be done again, sometimes just small parts of it...

Finally Andrew and you could get out of the position. For sure you would combust if you had to do it one more time. Also, the way Andrew kept his lower body hidden from you and had meticulously avoided your lower body halves to touch made you wonder what was going on... inside of his pants.

It made you heat up even more which was why you were glad to have a break. Even though just for 10 minutes. God, you were horny. Which was very unprofessional. Getting turned on by such a scene... but you couldn't help it...

Gladly the rest of the day was quite chill. The crew wanted to do the scene between Jonathan and Susan on the rooftop. Another kiss was in it, but just a short one.

Even though the arousal accompanied you through the whole rest of the day.

Gladly Andrew didn't talk to you about that scene during lunch break. You were pretty sure he knew what had been going on while shooting it, after all he had given you a look... you couldn't describe it, but it had been quite an obvious, knowing one. God that was embarrassing...

Maybe you should really speak to your husband about this when you came home....

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