Chapter 12: You-!

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Ashter slowly wonders awake. His head felt horrible thanks to whoever thought of touching him. The werewolf wakes up however in a...

Familiar cavern.

"Ugh..." He growls, before his eyes immediately wonder,

"What the-!?!" Ashter grew alarmed.

"This place-!" Ashter was cut off by him immediately trying to pull apart the metal bars of the cage but is immediately shocked as he pulls his hands back, it burns with...

"Ouch-!" He stares at his red palms burn. He shakes it off before smelling the air...

"Mercury... And silver..." Ashter growls as he pays his character. Nothing seems to be out of the ordinary... Besides...

"My necklace..." Ashter's necklace was missing.

"SHOW YOURSELF, COWARD!" Ashter yells but with no response...

Besides... Someone else...

"Why hello there mutt..." Says their demonic-like voice, altered to replicate the past Warlocks of the time. Ashter can hear it clearly,

"What do you want from me!?! Were you the one who took Lucinda!?!" Ashter demands an answer as the man chuckles with such malicious intent...

"Oh, her... Hahahaha! She wasn't as difficult to knock out as much as you little dog... In fact, she wasn't much to handle when I... Took. Something precious from her." The man says as Ashter growls,

"What do you mean by that!?! What did you do to..." Ashter's words slow to a stop...

He can sense her...

Within... HIM...

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!?!" Ashter yells as the man laughs like a psychopath.

"HAHAHAHA! Obviously, I did what I was made to do." The man says as he puts his hand in his pocket, pulling something from it as Ashter watches...

"I am here... To rid you from existence." The man says, pulling out the necklace Ashter had for so long.

"This here... Retains magic from your family... They go by many names, many genders, yet one person I HATED the most lies within this here necklace..." He says as Ashter laughs like it's a joke,

"HAH! The only ones you hate should be your parents! I mean, who'd raise such a psycho!" Ashter laughs as the man chuckles, causing him to stop and growl,

"Well... That's who I was made for. To kill whoever stands in my way. That too..."

"Goes for MY parents. They never stood a chance against me when I came of age. Their screams were enough for her to recognize me as her own vessel... A vessel to destroy the other who dared to come across this timeline." The male stares at the necklace... The lapis and emerald are embroidered into the frame.

"I still can sense the one she hated the most..." He points the emerald at Ashter for him to see,

"Do you know WHO I hated the most? Lake?" He asks as Ashter scoffs,

"If it's me you have a lot to check out for." Ashter scoffs as the man was silent, before saying,

"I'm sure my face will... Enlighten you, Lake." The man grabs his mask, before tearing it apart. Ashter couldn't tell who it was at first... But that angry smile, the bold eyes, was definitely who he knew.

"LUNIX!?!" Ashter yells now in bitter anger and rage at this, now knowing why he is doing this,

"You... You followed me and my friends here!?!" Ashter yells as the man had a new look. Blue eyes and black hair with his light brown skin.

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