Chapter 23: facing my demons

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I dashed to the toilet and sobbed until I was brave enough to face my darkest dread

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I dashed to the toilet and sobbed until I was brave enough to face my darkest dread. I returned to my seat and sat.

"Miss Parker, meet the president of Barnes Group International." We were introduced by the hotel manager.

Since he was behaving as if he didn't known who I was, I'll do the same. I extended my hand, initiating a hand shake.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr Barnes."

I'm not going to be frightened by this guy in front of me, " I told myself as I stared him in the eyes. After all, I've already seen him naked.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Miss Parker. "Because we have a lot of rivals out there, I want you and your staff to offer the best."

"I understand Mr. Barnes."

His brusqueness made me nearly roll my eyes. We continue to look at each other until I broke the gaze. Seeing him let me realize how much my son inherited from his father. I carried on with my task. When I was finished, I turned to the hotel manager and asked him to come over and look at the final editing of the photos. But the guy motioned for Javier to come over and have a look. He lowered himself till I could feel his breath on the back of my neck.

"Is this guy acting maliciously, or am i seeing things? "If I could turn, I'm sure we'd end up kissing."

"What are your thoughts?" I inquired.

"You're quite excellent, Miss Parker."

"I appreciate that very much, Mr. Barnes. "That's what you're paying me to do." I suppose we've finished for the day. I than focused my attention on the hotel manager.

"When is the shoot tomorrow?"

"I'm not sure, Ethan, what time should Miss Parker begin shooting tomorrow?"

"Nine o'clock should work. Would Miss Parker want to have supper tonight?" I gazed at the guy with my brow wrinkled, but quickly adjusted my expression.

"I'm sorry sir, but my week is already booked."

I wish I could make time, but I don't have much of it. Thank you for your offer. As I walked away, I muttered that, hoping he wouldn't say anything else.

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❦ PINTEREST: @badglam ❦ TIKTOK: @softnakd

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PINTEREST: @badglam
TIKTOK: @softnakd

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