Chapter 30

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We were getting ready, and I was staring at Gabriella, and I knew I wanted her

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We were getting ready, and I was staring at Gabriella, and I knew I wanted her. I've known since last night that she'd be Mrs Barnes. I can't let her go again, and I desperately want my son. She is my son's mother, and I must make things right. I grabbed her shoulder and yanked her up onto the bed.

"Gabriella, I know you won't believe me when I say this, that night I got a phone call informing me that grandma had been brought to the hospital. I was still inebriated and had sent my driver away that night, but I drove drunk and had a accident. I was brought to the hospital and released three months later. I went looking for you. I had no idea you were pregnant, but I went looking for you because I felt you and I had something special. I desired you back then, but for a different reason, and I know what I want now. I want to start a family with you. I'm interested in both you and Xander. Please do not refuse. I realize I made a mistake. "I saw her weep, so I wiped her tears, kissed her on the forehead, and stroked her hair. If you don't want me, I understand, but I just wanted to let you know what occurred that night. I don't want you to believe I ditched you. I'm sorry you had to drop out of school to raise our kid. I'm sorry you had to go through all of this without me. I pledge in my life that I will never go somewhere else again. I pledge with my life that you and Xavier are my home. Gabriella remained silent. I embrace her, and she returned my embrace.

I've got to get going. I needed to go change my clothes. I kissed her forehead again and walked away.

Sandra was fully aware that her relationship with Bucky Barnes had deteriorated six years ago

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Sandra was fully aware that her relationship with Bucky Barnes had deteriorated six years ago. The world saw them as a happy couple, but these two haven't shaken a bed in a long time. Sandra had no idea why Bucky wasn't carrying out his boyfriend, or perhaps fiancé responsibility until today. Everything must be arranged ahead of time. It is necessary to plan a dinner outing. If you try to surprise him, you'll be frustrated since he never turns up without knowing what he's been summoned for. Another lady answered his phone was a kick in the teeth for her. He told her he had a kid first, and now he's sleeping with another women. She had a lot of questions for him, but she wouldn't dare to ask him. He despise being questioned, particularly if you weren't Mrs Barnes yet. I will wait for him here. He must inform me of who answered his phone. She began pacing up and down the suit like a crazy women.

 She began pacing up and down the suit like a crazy women

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I made my way up the stairs to my suite. I heard some movement inside the suite as I was ready to open the door. Is it possible that I forgot to lock my suite last night? There isn't anyway. When I entered the suite, my fiancé Sandra was pacing up and down as if someone significant had died. When she noticed me, she put on a fake grin and begin putting on a show. I may have fallen for her if I hadn't known any better, but I know she wouldn't dare to question me. I despise being questioned. I don't have time to answer her queries. I despise it when someone prys into my affairs. She will have the right till I marry, but right now we are engaged and I am still single. Beside, I may change my mind at the time. She embraced and kissed me, but I just gave her a frigid glare. When did I and this women become a match made in heaven? I sneered, pulled off my clothes, and walked into the bathroom to change.

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❦ PINTEREST: @badglam ❦ TIKTOK: @softnakd

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PINTEREST: @badglam
TIKTOK: @softnakd

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