Too many thoughts running through my head
They pitter and patter and stomp all around
With all the noise and energy they have One would think they would grow tired and drop dead
Instead they grow and morph into something with seven heads
Constantly screaming and yelling
One after another in unison
Drowning out any form of relief or peace one might want
They start tearing away my reality piece by piece until I listen to what they have to say
They manipulate, sway, and seduce me to what they are saying till
I believe what they are saying
They leave me feeling drained and tired
Yet keep me up jittery and wired
I beg, I cry, and I even pray for them to stop
They don't listen
They don't care
They are a hydra monster
For every time you refute one
Ten just like it come back
Just as strong and relentless as the last
I fight and I fight and I fight
Till I'm are on my last breath
I take it raggedly for I have nothing left
All I wanted was to rest
I go to close my eyes in defeat
But they won't allow it for they are rude , greedy, and have many more tests
They have taken my piece of mind
Now all I'm left with is
Their Insanity