Happy New year!

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This is gonna be an extremely rushed chapter, mainly because its 1 am right now..

It's already 2022 for me, so I'm gonna write this while I still remember that I had to write this..

This one might be romantic, but there's a 99% chance that I'm not going to.

I'll only consider it because my friend DMed on discord asking me to do so.(They've been a really good mental health support for me so I kinda owe them)

Also why tf do I feel like this will evolve into a tomboo fanfic one day


It's almost the end of the year.

11:55 p.m.

Just 5 more minutes until it was 2022.

Tommy knew exactly who he wanted to spend that time with.

His mouse hovered over the call button on Ranboo's contact.

He was hesitant, but the thought was quickly eliminated when he heard a discord call coming from Ranboo.

He quickly accepted the call, maybe a little too quick.

"Hello Ranboo!"

"Hey Tommy!"

"So...why are you calling me so suddenly?"

11:56 p.m.

"Well..uh..It's not anything too important but I just wanted to spend the new year with you.I think it's...almost new year in the uk, right?"

"Yeah..but why did you want to spend it with me though?"

"W-well, I'm..not too sure but I just really wanted to stay with you for the time being."


Tommy's face was tinted with a light red, slightly flustered by the brunette's comment.

"Toms, you good? Your face is a little red."

"I'm fine! Don't worry.."

"Alright then."




11:59 p.m.



"Nothing, there's just 1 minute until it's new year.For you, at least."

"That's awesome!"

"You seem pretty excited, huh?...Do you wanna do a small countdown?"

"Of course I do!"

"Alright then, do you wanna count down until there's 10 more seconds or 30 seconds?"

"30 seconds is awkwardly long, let's do 10 seconds."





"You know, Ranboo.."





"You're a really good friend."

"I-I don't what to say, uhm..thank you."



"Look Ranboo, there's almost 10 seconds left!"

"Let's countdown together then."











"Happy new year!"

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