dancer AU?? :0

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I saw this video and just thought it would be fun to write something like that -

I've tried to write dance moves before

I tried.

so I want redemption >:)

I wanna try again >:D

probably gonna give up the dance moves but anywaYS-


Tommy peeked into the dance studio, surprised to find Ranboo.

Ranboo was still dancing peacefully, eyes closed, halfway disconnected from reality.Tommy slowly walked towards him and gently grabbed Ranboo's hand which made Ranboo snap back to reality.

"May I dance with you, together, Ranboo?"

Tommy asked.

Ranboo stared at him in shock, surprised to hear this request.

"Won't you dance with me?"

Tommy persisted.

"I will, but why would you want to dance with me?" Ranboo replied, still in shock.

Tommy didn't even bother answer the question, but instead slowly held out his hand.

Ranboo took his hand and allowed Tommy to lead the dance.

Tommy took the lead and started to sway with Ranboo.

Tommy could see Ranboo's body stiffening as it was his first time dancing with a partner.

The light and calming tune playing through the speakers made Ranboo relax, and they swayed into the rhythm.

Their heads swayed side to side, and Tommy realized that Ranboo was beginning to dance too.

An icy hand gripped Tommy's heart.

This was his opening.

He got into the groove, losing himself in the dance.

His concentration became complete, and Ranboo was swept up in the dance.

Tommy then led Ranboo into a fancy little dip that made Ranboo shriek in surprise. Ranboo quickly calmed himself and pulled himself back up with a small twirl.

They separated their intertwined hands, one slowly kneeling down and the other steers away from the other before making his way back towards the blonde.Holding out his hand, the brit looked up and took his hand.

Tommy felt like he could almost see a smile creep onto Ranboo's face, and then, in time with the music, a radiant smile was painted on Ranboo's face.

Tommy felt like a tiny, mote-shaped particle of dust, spinning, unable to tell whether it was going forward or backward.

Everywhere he turned, he found happiness, someone to dance with.


ok I give up im stopping here sorry for not updating I had mid-terms and I had to run errands for my parents because of Christmas tf??? dont expect me to update toos soon I am very much dying over here

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